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Google Drive Backup Agent (Amazon S3)

I originally developed this script for Swissloop to make regular backups of our shared Google Drive.

This script uses rclone to copy a Google Drive folder (or the entire drive) to an Amazon S3 bucket. It then checks the backups that were previously made and deletes them if they are older than a set number of days. Throughout the process, the script reports it's status to Slack.

Run regularly, this provides a simple solution to keep backups of important data.


Clone the repository and run npm install:

git clone
cd gdrive-backup-agent
npm install

Next install rclone, then configure it:

rclone config

Add two remotes:

  • The first called gdrive and follow the instructions to connect rclone to your Google Drive.
  • The second called s3 and again follow the instructions. Be sure to add your AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key.

Next, open the config.json and the AWS-credentials.json files and adjust all the configurations (see Configuration).

You'll also need to add an incoming webhook to your Slack team and copy the webhook URL to config.json.

Finally run the script to create your first backup:

node app.js

Ideally you should schedule the script to run regularly. This can be done with cron for example.


The configuration for this script is split into two files:


Field Example Description
accessKeyId  <AWS_ACCESS_KEY> The AWS Access Key for a user with access to the appropriate bucket.
secretAccessKey  <AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY> The AWS Secret Access Key for a user with access to the appropriate bucket.
region  us-west-1 The AWS region where the bucket is located.


Field Example Description
slack.url <SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL> Slack incoming webhook URL.
slack.username Google Drive Backup Agent The username to use when posting messages to Slack.
s3.bucketName  <S3_BUCKET_NAME> The Amazon S3 bucket where backups should be uploaded to.
rclone.config ~/.rclone.conf Where rclone's configuration file is located. (Usually: ~/.rclone.conf)
rclone.srcPath gdrive:<GOOGLE_DRIVE_PATH> The source path for the backups. Omit the <GOOGLE_DRIVE_PATH> to backup your entire Google Drive.
rclone.destPath s3:<S3_BUCKET_NAME> The source path for the backups, including the bucket name.
numDaysKept 7 The number of days a backup should be kept for before being deleted.
shutdown false Shutdown the system after the backup process has finished.

All fields are required for the script to work correctly!


Creates backups of a Google Drive in Amazon S3.






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