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Getting Started

This project was created to understand more about Authentication using Devise, User sessions and cookies

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.



Computer running Mac OS, Windows, or Linux. Internet browser: Firefox, Google Chrome, etc

  • Install Ruby

  • Install Rails

After installing Ruby, you need to install bundler to be able to install gems and dependancies for this application.


  • Download the code or copy the git repository to your computer
  • type in your terminal
  • Type cd Member-Only in the terminal.
  • Type bundle install
  • Type yarn install
  • Type rails db:migrate
  • Run with the comand: rails s to start the server.


Navigate to the folder you cloned the git repository and to run our project type rails server in your terminal to start the a localhost so you can see the website. In your browser enter to localhost:3000 or the address that was output in rails server.

Author 1

👤 Carlos Gutierrez

Author 2

👤 Carlos Robles

📝 License

  • This project is MIT licensed.

🤝 Contribution

Contributions, issues(, and feature requests are welcome!


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