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Blake Gentry committed Sep 1, 2009
1 parent c59c151 commit 61bd7d9
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Showing 7 changed files with 666 additions and 5 deletions.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions remarkable_datamapper/lib/remarkable_datamapper/base.rb
Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ def assert_good_or_bad_if_key(key, value, message_key=:message) #:nodoc:
# Default allow_nil? validation. It accepts the message_key which is
# the key which contain the message in @options.
# It also gets an allow_nil message on remarkable.active_record.allow_nil
# It also gets an allow_nil message on remarkable.data_mapper.allow_nil
# to be used as default.
def allow_nil?(message_key=:message) #:nodoc:
Expand All @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ def allow_nil?(message_key=:message) #:nodoc:
# Default allow_blank? validation. It accepts the message_key which is
# the key which contain the message in @options.
# It also gets an allow_blank message on remarkable.active_record.allow_blank
# It also gets an allow_blank message on remarkable.data_mapper.allow_blank
# to be used as default.
def allow_blank?(message_key=:message) #:nodoc:
Expand All @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ def bad?(value, message_sym=:message) #:nodoc:
assert_bad_value(@subject, @attribute, value, @options[message_sym])

# Asserts that an Active Record model validates with the passed
# Asserts that a DataMapper model validates with the passed
# <tt>value</tt> by making sure the <tt>error_message_to_avoid</tt> is not
# contained within the list of errors for that attribute.
Expand All @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ def assert_good_value(model, attribute, value, error_message_to_avoid=//) # :nod
assert_does_not_contain(model.errors.on(attribute), error_message_to_avoid)

# Asserts that an Active Record model invalidates the passed
# Asserts that a DataMapper model invalidates the passed
# <tt>value</tt> by making sure the <tt>error_message_to_expect</tt> is
# contained within the list of errors for that attribute.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ def assert_bad_value(model, attribute, value, error_message_to_expect=:invalid)
# macros would start to pass when they shouldn't.
# Using the underlying mechanism inside DataMapper makes us free from
# all thos errors.
# all those errors.
# We replace {{count}} interpolation for 12345 which later is replaced
# by a regexp which contains \d+.
Expand Down
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
module Remarkable
module DataMapper
module Matchers
class ValidatesIsUniqueMatcher < Remarkable::DataMapper::Base #:nodoc:
arguments :collection => :attributes, :as => :attribute

optional :message
optional :scope, :splat => true
optional :case_sensitive, :allow_nil, :allow_blank, :default => true

collection_assertions :find_first_object?, :responds_to_scope?, :is_unique?, :case_sensitive?,
:valid_with_new_scope?, :allow_nil?, :allow_blank?

default_options :message => :taken

before_assert do
@options[:scope] = [*@options[:scope]].compact if @options[:scope]


# Tries to find an object in the database. If allow_nil and/or allow_blank
# is given, we must find a record which is not nil or not blank.
# We should also ensure that the object retrieved from the database
# is not the @subject.
# If any of these attempts fail, an error is raised.
def find_first_object?
conditions, message = if @options[:allow_nil]
[ ["#{@attribute} IS NOT NULL"], " with #{@attribute} not nil" ]
elsif @options[:allow_blank]
[ ["#{@attribute} != ''"], " with #{@attribute} not blank" ]
[ [], "" ]

unless @subject.new_record?
primary_key = subject_class.primary_key

message << " which is different from the subject record (the object being validated is the same as the one in the database)"
conditions << "#{subject_class.primary_key} != '#{@subject.send(primary_key)}'"

options = conditions.empty? ? {} : { :conditions => conditions.join(' AND ') }

return true if @existing = subject_class.find(:first, options)
raise ScriptError, "could not find a #{subject_class} record in the database" + message

# Set subject scope to be equal to the object found.
def responds_to_scope?
(@options[:scope] || []).each do |scope|
setter = :"#{scope}="

return false, :method => setter unless @subject.respond_to?(setter)
return false, :method => scope unless @existing.respond_to?(scope)

@subject.send(setter, @existing.send(scope))

# Check if the attribute given is valid and if the validation fails for equal values.
def is_unique?
@value = @existing.send(@attribute)
return bad?(@value)

# If :case_sensitive is given and it's false, we swap the case of the
# value used in :is_unique? and see if the test object remains valid.
# If :case_sensitive is given and it's true, we swap the case of the
# value used in is_unique? and see if the test object is not valid.
# This validation will only occur if the test object is a String.
def case_sensitive?
return true unless @value.is_a?(String)
assert_good_or_bad_if_key(:case_sensitive, @value.swapcase)

# Now test that the object is valid when changing the scoped attribute.
def valid_with_new_scope?
(@options[:scope] || []).each do |scope|
setter = :"#{scope}="

previous_scope_value = @subject.send(scope)
@subject.send(setter, new_value_for_scope(scope))
return false, :method => scope unless good?(@value)

@subject.send(setter, previous_scope_value)

# Change the existing object attribute to nil to run allow nil
# validations. If we find any problem while updating the @existing
# record, it's because we can't save nil values in the database. So it
# passes when :allow_nil is false, but should raise an error when
# :allow_nil is true
def allow_nil?
return true unless @options.key?(:allow_nil)

@existing.update_attribute(@attribute, nil)
rescue ::ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid => e
raise ScriptError, "You declared that #{@attribute} accepts nil values in validate_uniqueness_of, " <<
"but I cannot save nil values in the database, got: #{e.message}" if @options[:allow_nil]
return true


# Change the existing object attribute to blank to run allow blank
# validation. It uses the same logic as :allow_nil.
def allow_blank?
return true unless @options.key?(:allow_blank)

@existing.update_attribute(@attribute, '')
rescue ::ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid => e
raise ScriptError, "You declared that #{@attribute} accepts blank values in validate_uniqueness_of, " <<
"but I cannot save blank values in the database, got: #{e.message}" if @options[:allow_blank]
return true


# Returns a value to be used as new scope. It deals with four different
# cases: date, time, boolean and stringfiable (everything that can be
# converted to a string and the next value makes sense)
def new_value_for_scope(scope)
column_type = if @existing.respond_to?(:column_for_attribute)

case column_type.type
when :int, :integer, :float, :decimal
when :datetime, :timestamp, :time + 10000
when :date + 100
when :boolean

# Returns a value to be used as scope by generating a range of values
# and searching for them in the database.
def new_value_for_stringfiable_scope(scope)
values = [(@existing.send(scope) || 999).next.to_s]

# Generate a range of values to search in the database
100.times do
values <<
conditions = { scope => values, @attribute => @value }

# Get values from the database, get the scope attribute and map them to string.
db_values = subject_class.find(:all, :conditions => conditions, :select => scope)!{ |r| r.send(scope).to_s }

if value_to_return = (values - db_values).first
raise ScriptError, "Tried to find an unique scope value for #{scope} but I could not. " <<
"The conditions hash was #{conditions.inspect} and it returned all records."

# Ensures that the model cannot be saved if one of the attributes listed
# is not unique.
# Requires an existing record in the database. If you supply :allow_nil as
# option, you need to have in the database a record which is not nil in the
# given attributes. The same is required for allow_blank option.
# Notice that the record being validate should not be the same as in the
# database. In other words, you can't do this:
# subject { Post.create!(@valid_attributes) }
# should_validate_uniqueness_of :title
# But don't worry, if you eventually do that, a helpful error message
# will be raised.
# == Options
# * <tt>:scope</tt> - field(s) to scope the uniqueness to.
# * <tt>:case_sensitive</tt> - the matcher look for an exact match.
# * <tt>:allow_nil</tt> - when supplied, validates if it allows nil or not.
# * <tt>:allow_blank</tt> - when supplied, validates if it allows blank or not.
# * <tt>:message</tt> - value the test expects to find in <tt>errors.on(:attribute)</tt>.
# Regexp, string or symbol. Default = <tt>I18n.translate('activerecord.errors.messages.taken')</tt>
# == Examples
# it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:keyword, :username) }
# it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:email, :scope => :name, :case_sensitive => false) }
# it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:address, :scope => [:first_name, :last_name]) }
# should_validate_uniqueness_of :keyword, :username
# should_validate_uniqueness_of :email, :scope => :name, :case_sensitive => false
# should_validate_uniqueness_of :address, :scope => [:first_name, :last_name]
# should_validate_uniqueness_of :email do |m|
# m.scope = name
# m.case_sensitive = false
# end
def validates_is_unique(*attributes, &block)*attributes, &block).spec(self)

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