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Carlos G. Camacho O edited this page May 15, 2018 · 1 revision

Begin by installing the package through Composer. The best way to do this is through your terminal via Composer itself:

composer require carloscgo/shinobi

Once this operation is complete, simply add the service provider to your project's config/app.php file and run the provided migrations against your database.

Service Provider



'Shinobi' => CarlosCGO\Shinobi\Facades\Shinobi::class,

Then open the Kernel.php file in app\Http\Kernel.php and add this to user it as middleware :


Shinobi provides middleware that you may assign to specific routes in your application. To register, simply append the following middleware to your app/Http/Kernel.php file under the $routeMiddleware property.

 'has.role' => \CarlosCGO\Shinobi\Middleware\UserHasRole::class,
 'has.permission' => \CarlosCGO\Shinobi\Middleware\UserHasPermission::class,


You'll need to run the provided migrations against your database. Publish the migration files using the vendor:publish Artisan command and run migrate:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="CarlosCGO\Shinobi\ShinobiServiceProvider"
php artisan migrate