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Carrot v1 contracts

This repo contains a drippable ERC20 token implementation plus a deployment script to easily get test ERC20 tokens in any EVM compatible chain.

The drip function automatically performs any decimal scaling needed so it's very simple and easy to drip tokens without having to do manual conversions beforehand.

Existing deployments

Symbol Decimals Sepolia Scroll alpha testnet Scroll Sepolia testnet Polygon Mumbai testnet Arbitrum Sepolia Celo Alfajores Holesky Mantle Sepolia
AAA 18 0x279E7154B3ce368045929Dd8e51c15c7f74351bf 0x7405769BEfAc397563D976470bdb1B790d26a025 0x8Ed4b3029f591362411318aEB86EF3EC1fbfe0e5 0x87d24272071593B4a7907fd133E74EC30025D4F9 0xD1D3Cf05Ef211C71056f0aF1a7FD1DF989E109c3 0xBbB06b25484AB9E23FEe8Ee321Af8e253ea7A76a 0xD6e88c910329fE3597498772eB94991a0630306d
BBB 6 0x31F6967490204bbAE0763eE26709686b4477477f 0xcA9b84f307c7E7825C6e9B1da732f0a7e953889D 0x1776bE1f971CB0F758680aCFD2cc5121B474249E 0x1b5baCE1a0400Fb90CF63F30Fd0B83C51E7ea08c 0xC8e265D4c037b0E0641c84b440Ab260F4FDaFD24 0x3325a167DA3130D7788E41f614C725C11DcEb5E7 0xe3dA4E4b76C4ed3e4227db20F20d1F25A4507f9b
CCC 0 0x6fFEbe71762EA02eA490491fa6cab90b2f744787 0xb4F8FB8cC48A9Eb8d8E0A530C9775eD06728BaDd 0xc325890958D399ee26c26D21bBeFbDA17B03a611 0x8Ed4b3029f591362411318aEB86EF3EC1fbfe0e5 0x729385aA526Aa6f338C5f11b33Da0128d223a950 0x95Bf186929194099899139Ff79998cC147290F28 0xe82c4D8b993D613a28600B953e91A3A93Ae69Fd6
tDAI 18 0x2043D9aa54e333c52dB22a8AFbFCbdcE35958f42 0x0Fe5A93b63ACcf31679321dd0Daf341c037A1187 0xD1D3Cf05Ef211C71056f0aF1a7FD1DF989E109c3
tUSDC 6 0x22d8655b405F6a8D6Bb7c5838AaF187a32158B07 0xa5bA8636a78BBf1910430d0368C0175eF5a1845B 0xC8e265D4c037b0E0641c84b440Ab260F4FDaFD24

Don't see a deployment you need? Deploying the tokens on any given network is dead simple: just follow the instructions below and open a PR to add your deployment(s) to the table above.

DIY deployment

The project is developed with Foundry, so the first step is to have that installed on your system.

A couple things (such as formatting/commit hooks) are also managed using JS packages, so you'll need to install the project's dependencies using npm.

In order to deploy the test tokens to a target network you can then go ahead and create a .env file exporting the following env variables:

export PRIVATE_KEY=""
export ETHERSCAN_API_KEY="" # optional
export BLOCKSCOUT_INSTANCE_URL="" # optional
export RPC_ENDPOINT=""

Here's what each env does:

  • PRIVATE_KEY is private key of the account that will perform the deployment
  • ETHERSCAN_API_KEY will optionally be used to verify the source code on Etherscan
  • BLOCKSCOUT_INSTANCE_URL will optionally be used to verify the source code on Blockscount. This should point to the Blockscount instance you want to verify the contracts on.
  • RPC_ENDPOINT is the RPC endpoint that will be used to broadcast transactions (it will also determine the network where the deployment will happen, so pay attention).

Once you have the .env file ready you can finally execute the following command to initiate the deployment of the 3 default test tokens (AAA, BBB, CCC):

// to verify on etherscan
forge script --rpc-url $RPC_ENDPOINT --broadcast --verify Deploy

// if you instead want to verify on blockscout
forge script --rpc-url $RPC_ENDPOINT --broadcast --verify --verifier blockscout --verifier-url $BLOCKSCOUT_INSTANCE_URL/api? Deploy

If you instead want to deploy standalone test tokens with custom name, symbol or decimals, simply execute the following command:

forge script --rpc-url $RPC_ENDPOINT --broadcast --verify --sig 'run(string,string,uint8)' DeployStandalone <TOKEN_NAME> <TOKEN_SYMBOL> <TOKEN_DECIMALS>

replacing <TOKEN_NAME>, <TOKEN_SYMBOL> and <TOKEN_DECIMALS> with the values you want.


ERC20 test tokens for everyone







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