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carsonmcdonald edited this page Feb 26, 2012 · 1 revision

The client side part of the app revolves around bookmarks. The first thing the app does is generate a unique id for someone visiting if tha t person doesn't already have hone stored in a cookie.

Outside of the initial HTML provided by the Flask template presentation is done with templates. Handlebars.js is used for templates which can be found in the raw_templates directory. Twitter bootstrap is used for layout and some nice jQuery plugins.

The query field will take both a URL for any of the Stack Exchange items or an id for any of them. The parsing of the query string is done by a function in the util.js file.

The data returned from the server only contains ids for each of the bits of information from the programmers Stack Exchange site. Once the response from the server is returned more data for each type (user, post or tag) is pulled in using the Stack Exchange API (see the seapi.js file).

The underscore.js library is used for utility functions. History support is provided by a address jQuery plugin.

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