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Go Tools

Note: This is a work in progress. I will be adding more tools as I find them.

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How to create a stream

items:= []int64{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
s := stream.From(func(source chan<- any) {
	    for _, item := range items {
        source <- item
s := stream.Just([]int64{1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
s := stream.Range[int64](0, 100)
s1 := stream.Just([]int64{1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
s2 := stream.Range[int64](0, 100)
s := Concat(s1, []stream.Stream{s2})

How to create a parallel stream

All the methods above can be used to create a parallel stream, just add stream.WithParallelism() to the end of the method name. For example:

s := stream.Range[int64](0, 100, stream.WithParallelism(4))
s1 := stream.Just([]int64{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, stream.WithParallelism(4))

How to convert a parallel stream to a synchronous stream

All the methods of stream.Stream can be used to convert a parallel stream to a synchronous stream, just add stream.WithSync() to the end of the method name. For example:

s := stream.Range[int64](0, 100, stream.WithParallelism(4)).Filter(func(item any) bool {
    return item.(int64) > 50
}, stream.WithSync())

How to use a stream

More details can be found in the stream.go file.

  1. Map
  2. FlatMap
  3. Filter
  4. Concat
  5. Sort
  6. Distinct
  7. Skip
  8. Limit
  9. TakeWhile
  10. DropWhile
  11. Peek
  12. AnyMatch
  13. AllMatch
  14. NoneMatch
  15. FindFirst
  16. Count
  17. Reduce
  18. ForEach
  19. ToIfaceSlice
  20. Collect
  21. Close

How to use Collect

More details can be found in the collectors.go file.

  1. Identify
  2. MapSupplier
  3. MapSupplierWithSize
  4. SliceSupplier
  5. JoiningSupplier
  6. GroupBySupplier



  1. collection.Shuffle (shuffle a slice)
  2. collection.Reverse (reverse a slice)


  1. _map.Keys (get all keys of a map)
  2. _map.Values (get all values of a map)
  3. _map.ForEach (iterate a map)
  4. _map.ForEachIndexed (iterate a map with index)
  5. _map.Copy (copy a map)
  6. _map.CopyTo (copy a map to another map)
  7. _map.GetOrDefault (get value of a map by key, if the key does not exist, return the default value)
  8. _map.ComputeIfAbsent (get value of a map by key, if the key does not exist, compute the value and put it into the map)
  9. _map.KeysAsStream (get all keys of a map as a stream)
  10. _map.ValuesAsStream (get all values of a map as a stream)
  11. _map.MapAsStream (get all key-value pairs of a map as a stream)
Map interface

More details can be found in the map.go file.

  1. Put
  2. PutIfAbsent
  3. PutAll
  4. ComputeIfAbsent
  5. ComputeIfPresent
  6. Get
  7. GetOrDefault
  8. ContainsKey
  9. Keys
  10. Values
  11. ForEach
  12. ForEachIndexed
  13. Remove
  14. RemoveIf
  15. Clear
  16. IsEmpty
  17. Size
  18. AsBuiltinMap

It is based on the builtin map, so it is not thread-safe.

type HashMap[K comparable, V any] map[K]V

How to create a HashMap

  1. NewHashMap()
  2. NewHashMapWithSize(size int)
  3. NewHashMapWithMap(m Map[K]V)
  4. NewHashMapFromBuiltinMap(m map[K]V)

It is based on the HashMap, so it is not thread-safe.

How to create a LinkedHashMap

  1. NewLinkedHashMap()
  2. NewLinkedHashMapWithSize(size int)
  3. NewLinkedHashMapWithMap(m Map[K]V)
Collection interface

More details can be found in the collection.go file.

  1. Add
  2. AddAll
  3. Remove
  4. RemoveAll
  5. RemoveIff
  6. RetainAll
  7. Clear
  8. Contains
  9. ContainsAll
  10. IsEmpty
  11. Size
  12. ForEach
  13. ForEachIndexed
  14. AsSlice
  15. Stream
List interface

More details can be found in the list.go file.

  1. Add
  2. AddAll
  3. Remove
  4. RemoveAll
  5. RemoveIff
  6. RetainAll
  7. Clear
  8. Contains
  9. ContainsAll
  10. IsEmpty
  11. Size
  12. ForEach
  13. ForEachIndexed
  14. AsSlice
  15. Stream

It is based on the builtin slice, so it is not thread-safe.

How to create a ArrayList

  1. NewArrayList()
  2. NewArrayListWithSize(size int)
  3. NewArrayListWithSlice(s []T)
  4. NewArrayListWithCollection(c Collection[T])
  5. NewArrayListWithStream(s Stream[T])
Set interface

More details can be found in the set.go file.

  1. Add
  2. AddAll
  3. Remove
  4. RemoveAll
  5. RemoveIf
  6. RetainAll
  7. Clear
  8. Contains
  9. ContainsAll
  10. IsEmpty
  11. Size
  12. ForEach
  13. ForEachIndexed
  14. AsSlice
  15. Stream

It is based on the builtin map, so it is not thread-safe.

type HashSet[E comparable] map[T]struct{}

How to create a HashSet

  1. NewHashSet()
  2. NewHashSetWithSize(size int)
  3. NewHashSetWithSlice(s []E)
  4. NewHashSetFromCollection(s Set[E])
  5. NewHashSetFromStream(s stream.Stream)

It is based on the LinkedHashMap, so it is not thread-safe.

How to create a LinkedHashSet

  1. NewLinkedHashSet()
  2. NewLinkedHashSetWithSize(size int)
  3. NewLinkedHashSetWithSlice(s []E)
  4. NewLinkedHashSetFromCollection(s Set[E])
  5. NewLinkedHashSetFromStream(s stream.Stream)


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