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Docker node update

Carlo Fragni edited this page Feb 8, 2021 · 2 revisions

Docker node update procedure:

The procedure for the docker update is pretty straight forward. It consists on pulling the new version image and then starting a container with it.

Stop your node container and issue the command

docker pull cartesi/noether; docker run -it --rm --name cartesi_noether -v cartesi_wallet:/root/.ethereum cartesi/noether --url --wallet /root/.ethereum/key --create --verbose

pay attention to apply the necessary changes in the command that reflects your setup (like changing the url argument to match your eth node provider). Once the new image is downloaded, the node container will start. After inputting your password, your node will resume mining, remember to detach from the container (ctrl+p, ctrl+q is the default key sequence - so it continues running on the background.

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