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carushi edited this page Feb 14, 2023 · 47 revisions

Genome-wide RNA structure prediction on your own laptop using ParasoR

ParasoR can perform RNA secondary structure prediction and a variety of RNA structure analysis by simple command line like below.

    ParasoR --pre -f UCCCG
    ParasoR --pre --input example.fasta

Change log:

  • 2023.02.14 -- Update external links and wiki
  • 2020.12.28 -- Add a tutorial for simulation with a single point mutation.
  • 2018.03.05 -- Fix a harmless bug in BLstar parameter reading process. Recommend to use the latest source codes.
  • 2017.07.05 -- Implement MFE structure prediction and interaction energy computation in the latest version (as a prototype version).
  • 2016.06.21 -- Some error was reported when calculating structures using short sequences (shorter than the length of maximal span) in ParasoR mode v1.0.0 due to the file name inconsistency.[Fix]
  • 2016.05.06 -- v1.0 Released.

External link