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Telemetry metrics for the Node.JS process.

License Latest Release Node Version Telemetry Version Typescript Sponsor


npm install @carv/metrics-process


Register the plugin and if needed pass to it some custom options.

const { Telemetry } = require('@carv/telemetry')

const telemetry = new Telemetry()

// using the defaults

// with custom options
telemetry.use(require('@carv/metrics-process'), { /* ... Options ... */ })

// using only eventLoopDelay metric

Each metric is exported as a @carv/telemetry plugin. The default export registers all metrics/plugins. The following plugins are available and exported by name:

  • cpuUsage: Process CPU time spent in seconds
  • eventLoopDelay: Approximate event loop delay in seconds
  • eventLoopUtilization: ELU is similar to CPU utilization, except that it only measures event loop statistics and not CPU usage. It represents the percentage of time the event loop has spent outside the event loop's event provider (e.g. epoll_wait)
  • gcDuration: Garbage collection duration by kind, one of major, minor, incremental or weakcb
  • heapSpace: Statistics about the V8 heap spaces
  • memoryUsage: Memory usage of the Node.js process
  • startTime: Start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds
  • uptime: The number of seconds the current Node.js process has been running
  • version: Node.js version info


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  • yarn test: Run test suite
  • yarn build: Generate bundles
  • yarn lint: Lints code


Kenoxa GmbH Kenoxa GmbH


MIT © Kenoxa GmbH