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Gijs Molenaar edited this page Sep 15, 2015 · 1 revision
  1. summary Building instructions for casacore-1.x and/or its packages .
  2. labels Phase-Deploy

Table of Contents


This is a quick overview of the *casacore* build system. *casacore* uses scons, a build system written in python which provides auto-configure capabilities.

Installing scons

  • scons* works with very old versions of python. However, some of the extensions used in this project have only been tested with python2.4 or higher. Version 1.0 or greater is required.
Download and install *scons* as per instructions on their website. It can be installed in a custom location in parallel to older versions.
  • Note*: For OS X users we recommend using the gfortran compiler available here as it is universal build.

Building the whole system

The current version can be retrieved via subversion:

or get the latest stable source tarball from the Downloads section.

After installing casacore to run the tests you should also download and unpack the measures data files in the directory. A copy updated weekly is available on

These are not need for building casacore, but are needed for running casacore tests. see also [CasaAipsRC] for how to point to measures data explicitly.


  • casacore* needs the following external libraries:
 * cfitsio
 * wcslib ([ download], *Note* you might need to remove the .c files corresponding to the .l files in the C subdirectory)
 * lapack/blas
 * flex/bison
 * fortran compiler and fortran-to-c library, e.g. gfortran and libgfortran

The HDF5 package is optional (see If enabled (--enable-hdf5), the HDF5 classes in the casacore package will be activated. For example, HDF5Image can be used to support images in HDF5 format.


The build system looks for *gfortran* first, then g77 and then f77.

Build and install to '/usr/local'

The following example will build and install the libraries into '/usr/local/lib', the headers into '/usr/local/include/casacore', *scons* helper scripts into '/usr/local/share/casacore' and any binaries into '/usr/local/bin'. This will only build the static libraries

Once *scons* has been invoked once, command-line options are stored in _options.cache_ and have to be overwritten explicitly

Build Targets

 * *test* - run assay tests
 * *install* - install casacore to _prefix_
 * *xyz* - build xyz where xyz is a package e.g. _measures_
 * *test_xyz* - test xyz where xyz is a package e.g. _measures_
 * *txyz* - run the test for an explict test program txyz

Build options

Options (_scons --help) are ( Under local options):

Scons Options

  * -j< N > - N the number of processes to use for the build
  * -Q - suppress scons status messages
  * --quiet - suppress all build messages (useful when running *test* target)

Build options