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Nice Wallet

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This document introduces a hypothetical Bitcoin wallet architecture.

The two primary features of the architecture are:

  • Wallet frontends communicate with wallet backends using a standard protocol.

  • Wallet backends track user balances with an eCash-like blinded signature scheme.

In tandem, these features provide numerous benefits, including:

  • Backends can be non-custodial, custodial, or somewhere in between.

  • Wallet backends do not know how many users they have, or what their balances are.

  • Many users may use a single wallet backend, making backends robust against external surveillance. This is especially true when off-chain payments are used, for example via the Lightning Network.

  • Wallet frontends can be developed independently of wallet backends, increasing competition between wallet frontend developers.

  • Launching a backend provider service becomes straightforward, as only standard infrastructure components need to be deployed and managed.

  • Users may switch backend providers, without changing their wallet frontend and user interface, increasing competition between backend providers.

  • Users may switch from a custodial backend provider to a self-hosted, non-custodial backend, improving user sovereignty.


eCash was an anonymous cryptographic electronic cash system invent in 1983 by David Chaum which operated as a micropayment system at a US bank between 1995 and 1998.

Although centralized, eCash had extremely attractive privacy properties, even when compared with more recently developed privacy-preserving cryptocurrencies, and, due to its centralization, eCash transactions can be performed quickly enough to be used at scale.

Additionally, cryptographic techniques developed in the intervening years can enhance an eCash-like system's properties


  1. User tells the custodian that they would like to make a deposit.
  2. Custodian gives the user a bitcoin address A that they control.
  3. User sends N BTC to A.
  4. Custodian gives user a token T, which commits to N, and which is unforgeable by anyone who is not the Custodian.

Withdrawals and Spends

  1. User takes T from an earlier deposit of D coins and blinds it to produce Tb.
  2. User presents Tb, bitcoin withdrawal address W, and amount N and requests that the custodian transfer N coins to W.
  3. Custodian checks that Tb is genuine, and that it commits to at least N coins. However, the custodian cannot tell what D is, or that Tb was derived from T.
  4. Custodian transfers N bitcoin to to W, and remembers that they have seen Tb, so that it cannot be reused in the future.
  5. Custodian provides the user with a new token, S, that commits to N - D.


In addition to the custodian not knowing user balances, if the users don't leak information through another channel (like their network identity, avoided if they connect over a network like Tor) the custodian can't tell how many users there are. Every time a user shows up with a token, the custodian can tell that the token is valid and that it commits to at least as many coins as the user is requesting to withdraw, but can't link it back to a previously issued token.

Additionally, if users deposit and withdraw over the Lightning Network, privacy is probably even better. Users can perform routing-client side, so the custodian doesn't know the source or destination of funds, and can't make inferences based on on-chain addresses.

Prior Art and References


Wallet Desiderata






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