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157 lines (118 loc) · 7.89 KB

File metadata and controls

157 lines (118 loc) · 7.89 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
get_transaction GET /transactions/{id} get a transaction
get_transactions GET /transactions search transactions


InlineResponse20022 get_transaction(id)

get a transaction

Get a transaction from the system.


# load the gem
require 'treezor_client'
# setup authorization
TreezorClient.configure do |config|
  # Configure API key authorization: api_key
  config.api_key['Authorization'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
  # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
  #config.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Bearer'

api_instance =

id = 789 # Integer | Transaction's internal id.

  #get a transaction
  result = api_instance.get_transaction(id)
  p result
rescue TreezorClient::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling TransactionApi->get_transaction: #{e}"


Name Type Description Notes
id Integer Transaction's internal id.

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


InlineResponse20022 get_transactions(opts)

search transactions

Get transactions that match search criteria.


# load the gem
require 'treezor_client'
# setup authorization
TreezorClient.configure do |config|
  # Configure API key authorization: api_key
  config.api_key['Authorization'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
  # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
  #config.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Bearer'

api_instance =

opts = { 
  access_signature: 'access_signature_example', # String | Access signature can be mandatory for specific context. Treezor will contact you if so. More info [here]( 
  access_tag: 'access_tag_example', # String | Access tag is used for idem potency query. More info [here]( 
  access_user_id: 56, # Integer | Access user's id is used for user's action restriction. More info [here]( 
  access_user_ip: 'access_user_ip_example', # String | Access user's ip is used for user's action restriction. More info [here]( 
  transaction_id: 56, # Integer | Transaction's Id
  transaction_type: 'transaction_type_example', # String | Transaction types. Possible values: * Payin * Payout * Transfer * Transfer Refund * Payin Refund * Discount * Bill 
  wallet_id: 56, # Integer | Transactions' wallet id.
  user_id: 56, # Integer | Transactions' user id.
  name: 'name_example', # String | Transactions' name.
  description: 'description_example', # String | transactions' description.
  amount: 'amount_example', # String | Transactions' amount.
  currency: 'currency_example', # String | Transfert amount currency. Format: [ISO 4217]( 
  value_date: DateTime.parse('2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00'), # DateTime | The value date of the transaction (date applied for the payment) Format : YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
  execution_date: DateTime.parse('2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00'), # DateTime | Date of the execution of the transaction Format : YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
  page_number: 56, # Integer | Pagination page number. More info [here]( 
  page_count: 56, # Integer | The number of items per page. More info [here]( 
  sort_by: 'sort_by_example', # String | The transaction element you want to sort the list with. Default value : _createdDate_. More info [here]( 
  sort_order: 'sort_order_example', # String | The order you want to sort the list. * **DESC** for a descending sort * **ASC** for a ascending sort.  Default value : DESC. More info [here]( 
  created_date_from: DateTime.parse('2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00'), # DateTime | The creation date from which you want to filter the request result. Format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. More info [here]( 
  created_date_to: DateTime.parse('2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00') # DateTime | The creation date up to which you want to filter the request result. Format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. More info [here]( 

  #search transactions
  result = api_instance.get_transactions(opts)
  p result
rescue TreezorClient::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling TransactionApi->get_transactions: #{e}"


Name Type Description Notes
access_signature String Access signature can be mandatory for specific context. Treezor will contact you if so. More info here. [optional]
access_tag String Access tag is used for idem potency query. More info here. [optional]
access_user_id Integer Access user's id is used for user's action restriction. More info here. [optional]
access_user_ip String Access user's ip is used for user's action restriction. More info here. [optional]
transaction_id Integer Transaction's Id [optional]
transaction_type String Transaction types. Possible values: * Payin * Payout * Transfer * Transfer Refund * Payin Refund * Discount * Bill [optional]
wallet_id Integer Transactions' wallet id. [optional]
user_id Integer Transactions' user id. [optional]
name String Transactions' name. [optional]
description String transactions' description. [optional]
amount String Transactions' amount. [optional]
currency String Transfert amount currency. Format: ISO 4217. [optional]
value_date DateTime The value date of the transaction (date applied for the payment) Format : YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS [optional]
execution_date DateTime Date of the execution of the transaction Format : YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS [optional]
page_number Integer Pagination page number. More info here. [optional]
page_count Integer The number of items per page. More info here. [optional]
sort_by String The transaction element you want to sort the list with. Default value : createdDate. More info here. [optional]
sort_order String The order you want to sort the list. * DESC for a descending sort * ASC for a ascending sort. Default value : DESC. More info here. [optional]
created_date_from DateTime The creation date from which you want to filter the request result. Format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. More info here [optional]
created_date_to DateTime The creation date up to which you want to filter the request result. Format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. More info here [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json