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casperParser reparse

Reparse all unknown deploys from the database without calling rpc


Reparse specifics items from the database

You must add at least one argument from those :

all: reparse every blocks from rpc, will ignore any other args

era: only reparse switch blocks

deploys: only reparse deploys, will ignore any other deploy args

moduleBytes: only reparse moduleBytes deploys

exceptTransfers: only reparse deploys except transfers deploys

systemPackageContracts: add system Packages Contracts. You must add the network type right after. Ex : reparse systemPackageContracts testnet

casperParser reparse [all|era|deploys|moduleBytes|exceptTransfers] [flags]


  -h, --help       help for reparse
  -p, --pool int   Database connection pool max connections (default 10)

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --cluster strings    Redis cluster instance addresses. Priority over redis flag but not the sentinel flag.
      --config string      config file (default is $HOME/.casperParser or ./casperParser )
  -d, --database string    Postgres connection string. Prefer ENV variable to setup a secure connection (default "postgres://postgres:mypassword@localhost:5432/casper")
  -m, --master string      Redis sentinel master name (default "mymaster")
  -r, --redis string       Redis single instance address. Lowest priority over cluster & sentinel flag. (default "")
      --rpc string         Casper RPC endpoint (default "")
  -s, --sentinel strings   Redis sentinel addresses. Highest priority over redis & cluster flag.


  • casperParser - casperParser help you parse and store off-chain data from the Casper Blockchain
Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 28-Jan-2023