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Docker Development Environments

Set of environments for each of these languages. Can be used to quickly spin up docker containers for projects. The images labeled as "_env" are minimal images designed only for building projects in that language. The images labeled with "_dev" are images that include a full development environment as well as the build tools for that language. These images include zsh, neovim, and all my personal dotfiles.

Building the Image

To build an image:

docker build dev_env -t dev_env:latest
docker build c_env -t c_env:latest

To build in background:

docker build c_dev -qt c_dev:latest &>/dev/null

To build all:

bash build.bash

Running the Container

I alias these to make using the containers easier.

To run a container:

docker run --rm -it -v ~/$(pwd):/code [IMAGE_NAME]:latest
docker run --rm -it -v ~/$(pwd):/code dev_env:latest
docker run --rm -it -v ~/$(pwd):/code c_dev:latest