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gateway: new enqueue/dequeue-reply messages version (code) #484

gateway: new enqueue/dequeue-reply messages version (code)

gateway: new enqueue/dequeue-reply messages version (code) #484

GitHub Actions / Google Tests - Suse succeeded Jun 10, 2024 in 1s

2066 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped

Tests passed successfully

Report Passed Failed Skipped Time
middleware/administration/report.xml 57✅ 8s
middleware/buffer/report.xml 97✅ 20ms
middleware/common/report.xml 1285✅ 1s
middleware/configuration/report.xml 91✅ 86ms
middleware/domain/report.xml 62✅ 2s
middleware/event/report.xml 9✅ 409ms
middleware/example/report.xml 1✅ 123ms
middleware/gateway/report.xml 61✅ 8s
middleware/http/report.xml 23✅ 806ms
middleware/queue/report.xml 100✅ 10s
middleware/service/report.xml 45✅ 2s
middleware/serviceframework/report.xml 33✅ 8ms
middleware/tools/report.xml 1✅ 0ms
middleware/transaction/report.xml 44✅ 3s
middleware/xatmi/report.xml 17✅ 13ms
test/report.xml 140✅ 34s

✅ middleware/administration/report.xml

57 tests were completed in 8s with 57 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
cli_call 5✅ 583ms
cli_casual 2✅ 94ms
cli_configuration_normalize 2✅ 77ms
cli_configuration_runtime 2✅ 289ms
cli_configuration_set_operations 4✅ 459ms
cli_discovery 3✅ 848ms
cli_domain 10✅ 1s
cli_gateway 3✅ 449ms
cli_pipe 7✅ 979ms
cli_queue 6✅ 1s
cli_service 8✅ 801ms
cli_transaction 5✅ 1s

✅ middleware/buffer/report.xml

97 tests were completed in 20ms with 97 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
buffer_field 40✅ 8ms
buffer_field_repository 21✅ 3ms
buffer_field_table 4✅ 4ms
buffer_internal_field_string 12✅ 2ms
casual_field_buffer_stream 2✅ 0ms
casual_octet_buffer 5✅ 1ms
casual_order_buffer 9✅ 0ms
casual_string_buffer 4✅ 1ms

✅ middleware/common/report.xml

1285 tests were completed in 1s with 1285 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
archive_create 4✅ 1ms
casual_common 4✅ 0ms
casual_common_communication_message 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/0 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/1 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/10 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/11 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/12 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/13 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/14 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/15 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/16 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/17 1✅ 1ms
casual_common_error/18 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/19 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/2 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/20 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/21 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/22 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/23 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/24 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/25 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/26 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/27 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/28 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/3 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/4 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/5 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/6 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/7 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/8 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_error/9 1✅ 0ms
casual_common_execution 2✅ 0ms
casual_common_memory/0 2✅ 1ms
casual_common_memory/1 2✅ 0ms
casual_common_memory/10 2✅ 0ms
casual_common_memory/11 2✅ 0ms
casual_common_memory/12 2✅ 0ms
casual_common_memory/13 2✅ 0ms
casual_common_memory/2 2✅ 0ms
casual_common_memory/3 2✅ 0ms
casual_common_memory/4 2✅ 1ms
casual_common_memory/5 2✅ 0ms
casual_common_memory/6 2✅ 0ms
casual_common_memory/7 2✅ 0ms
casual_common_memory/8 2✅ 0ms
casual_common_memory/9 2✅ 1ms
casual_common_predicate 3✅ 0ms
casual_common_predicate_conjunction 6✅ 1ms
casual_common_predicate_disjunction 3✅ 0ms
casual_common_string 26✅ 2ms
casual_common_traits 4✅ 0ms
casual_common_traits_function 5✅ 1ms
casual_common_transaction_id 8✅ 0ms
casual_common_transcode_base64 4✅ 0ms
casual_common_transcode_hex 2✅ 0ms
casual_common_transcode_utf8 6✅ 1ms
casual_serialize_line 8✅ 1ms
casual_serialize_native_binary_only_host 2✅ 0ms
casual_serialize_native_binary/0 10✅ 2ms
casual_serialize_native_binary/1 10✅ 1ms
casual_serialize_traits 2✅ 0ms
common_algorithm 27✅ 2ms
common_algorithm_append_unique 3✅ 0ms
common_algorithm_coalesce 5✅ 1ms
common_algorithm_compare_any 3✅ 0ms
common_algorithm_equal 4✅ 0ms
common_algorithm_is_unique 4✅ 0ms
common_algorithm_range 2✅ 0ms
common_algorithm_remove 5✅ 0ms
common_algorithm_sorted 7✅ 0ms
common_algorithm_transform_if 2✅ 1ms
common_argument_completion 7✅ 2ms
common_argument_group 6✅ 0ms
common_argument_invoke 12✅ 2ms
common_argument_option 12✅ 2ms
common_argument_option_one_many 1✅ 0ms
common_argument_parse 22✅ 2ms
common_buffer 11✅ 2ms
common_buffer_type 1✅ 0ms
common_chronology 12✅ 1ms
common_code 1✅ 0ms
common_communication_ipc 17✅ 173ms
common_communication_stream 3✅ 2ms
common_communication_tcp 12✅ 344ms
common_conformance 15✅ 20ms
common_conformance_filesystem 1✅ 1ms
common_domain 2✅ 1ms
common_environment 12✅ 1ms
common_environment_expand 3✅ 1ms
common_environment_expand_path 1✅ 0ms
common_environment_variable 10✅ 0ms
common_environment_variable_type 2✅ 0ms
common_event 2✅ 2ms
common_event_dispatch 5✅ 1ms
common_file_find_pattern 7✅ 2ms
common_file_rename 2✅ 1ms
common_flag 5✅ 0ms
common_flags 6✅ 1ms
common_functional_apply 13✅ 0ms
common_instance 2✅ 0ms
common_log_stream 4✅ 1ms
common_message_coordinate 8✅ 1ms
common_message_coordinate_minimal 4✅ 4ms
common_message_dispatch 6✅ 0ms
common_message_reverse 1✅ 0ms
common_metric 6✅ 0ms
common_move_pimpl 3✅ 0ms
common_pimpl 4✅ 1ms
common_process 7✅ 428ms
common_range 1✅ 0ms
common_range_empty 2✅ 0ms
common_range_size 2✅ 1ms
common_serialize_consumed_archive/archive_maker 27✅ 5ms
common_serialize_create/archive_create 42✅ 5ms
common_serialize_ini_archive 8✅ 1ms
common_serialize_json 8✅ 1ms
common_serialize_log_writer 2✅ 0ms
common_serialize_relaxed_archive_write_read/0 7✅ 1ms
common_serialize_relaxed_archive_write_read/1 7✅ 0ms
common_serialize_relaxed_archive_write_read/2 7✅ 1ms
common_serialize_write_read/0 26✅ 4ms
common_serialize_write_read/1 26✅ 3ms
common_serialize_write_read/10 26✅ 9ms
common_serialize_write_read/11 26✅ 8ms
common_serialize_write_read/12 26✅ 9ms
common_serialize_write_read/13 26✅ 12ms
common_serialize_write_read/14 26✅ 3ms
common_serialize_write_read/15 26✅ 3ms
common_serialize_write_read/16 26✅ 3ms
common_serialize_write_read/17 26✅ 3ms
common_serialize_write_read/18 26✅ 3ms
common_serialize_write_read/19 26✅ 4ms
common_serialize_write_read/2 26✅ 3ms
common_serialize_write_read/20 26✅ 2ms
common_serialize_write_read/3 26✅ 3ms
common_serialize_write_read/4 26✅ 3ms
common_serialize_write_read/5 26✅ 4ms
common_serialize_write_read/6 26✅ 7ms
common_serialize_write_read/7 26✅ 8ms
common_serialize_write_read/8 26✅ 9ms
common_serialize_write_read/9 26✅ 9ms
common_serialize_xml_archive 9✅ 1ms
common_serialize_yaml 13✅ 3ms
common_server_argument 6✅ 1ms
common_server_service 2✅ 0ms
common_server_xatmi_service 1✅ 0ms
common_service_header 12✅ 1ms
common_signal 6✅ 6ms
common_signal_types/0 7✅ 1ms
common_signal_types/1 7✅ 1ms
common_signal_types/2 7✅ 1ms
common_signal_types/3 7✅ 1ms
common_signal_types/4 7✅ 1ms
common_signal_types/5 7✅ 1ms
common_stream 7✅ 1ms
common_strong_type 6✅ 1ms
common_task_group 4✅ 0ms
common_task_unit 4✅ 1ms
common_transaction_context 10✅ 4ms
common_uuid 9✅ 1ms
DISABLED_common_communication_ipc 4✅ 0ms
serialize_binary_reader_writer 5✅ 0ms
serialize_binary_writer 3✅ 1ms
serialize_named_value 6✅ 0ms

✅ middleware/configuration/report.xml

91 tests were completed in 86ms with 91 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
configuration_environment_fetch 2✅ 0ms
configuration_model_remove 4✅ 9ms
configuration_model_set_operations 3✅ 7ms
configuration_model_transform 13✅ 20ms
configuration_model_validate 2✅ 1ms
configuration_system 1✅ 0ms
configuration_user_backward 1✅ 2ms
configuration_user_validate/invalid_configuration 5✅ 2ms
protocol/configuration_build_server 24✅ 18ms
protocol/configuration_environment 12✅ 7ms
protocol/configuration_system 12✅ 11ms
test_group 12✅ 9ms

✅ middleware/domain/report.xml

62 tests were completed in 2s with 62 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
DISABLED_domain_manager 1✅ 0ms
domain_discovery 15✅ 383ms
domain_manager 34✅ 2s
domain_manager_api 1✅ 27ms
domain_state_boot_order 3✅ 3ms
domain_state_environemnt 4✅ 6ms
domain_state_instances 4✅ 1ms

✅ middleware/event/report.xml

9 tests were completed in 409ms with 9 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
event_dispatch 5✅ 191ms
event_service_log 4✅ 218ms

✅ middleware/example/report.xml

1 tests were completed in 123ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
example_server 1✅ 123ms

✅ middleware/gateway/report.xml

61 tests were completed in 8s with 61 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
gateway_inbound_state 5✅ 0ms
gateway_manager 19✅ 4s
gateway_manager_connect 4✅ 1s
gateway_manager_inbound 2✅ 102ms
gateway_manager_inbound_listen 1✅ 167ms
gateway_manager_outbound 2✅ 362ms
gateway_manager_outbound_connect 2✅ 354ms
gateway_manager_reverse 3✅ 680ms
gateway_protocol_1_2_manager 3✅ 1s
gateway_protocol_v1 14✅ 1ms
gateway_protocol_v1_1 2✅ 0ms
gateway_protocol_v1_2 2✅ 0ms
gateway_protocol_v1_3 2✅ 0ms

✅ middleware/http/report.xml

23 tests were completed in 806ms with 23 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
http_code 1✅ 1ms
http_inbound_call 4✅ 374ms
http_outbound 3✅ 422ms
http_outbound_model 8✅ 4ms
http_outbound_request 1✅ 1ms
http_outbound_state 1✅ 0ms
http_outbound_state_request 2✅ 0ms
http_outbound_transcode 3✅ 3ms

✅ middleware/queue/report.xml

100 tests were completed in 10s with 100 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
BACKWARD_casual_queue 1✅ 128ms
casual_queue 33✅ 4s
casual_queue_c_api 12✅ 1s
casual_queue_example_server 6✅ 789ms
casual_queue_forward 15✅ 3s
casual_queue_group 1✅ 2ms
casual_queue_group_database 30✅ 326ms
queue_manager_transform 2✅ 3ms

✅ middleware/service/report.xml

45 tests were completed in 2s with 45 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
service_forward 5✅ 219ms
service_manager 31✅ 1s
service_manager_api 1✅ 45ms
service_manager_state 8✅ 5ms

✅ middleware/serviceframework/report.xml

33 tests were completed in 8ms with 33 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
casual_sf_service/protocol 28✅ 7ms
serviceframework_service_archive 4✅ 1ms
serviceframework_service_model 1✅ 0ms

✅ middleware/tools/report.xml

1 tests were completed in 0ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
tools_build_server 1✅ 0ms

✅ middleware/transaction/report.xml

44 tests were completed in 3s with 44 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
casual_transaction_admin 1✅ 0ms
transaction_manager 34✅ 2s
transaction_manager_branch 4✅ 285ms
transaction_manager_log 1✅ 1ms
transaction_manager_state 4✅ 34ms

✅ middleware/xatmi/report.xml

17 tests were completed in 13ms with 17 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
xatmi_buffer 3✅ 0ms
xatmi_execution 3✅ 0ms
xatmi_tx 11✅ 13ms

✅ test/report.xml

140 tests were completed in 34s with 140 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
BACKWARD_test_gateway 1✅ 531ms
casual_xatmi 1✅ 101ms
DISABLED_test_gateway 1✅ 0ms
test_assassinate 3✅ 413ms
test_configuration 2✅ 233ms
test_domain 3✅ 225ms
test_domain_gateway_discovery 1✅ 382ms
test_gateway 33✅ 17s
test_gateway_discovery 8✅ 3s
test_gateway_reverse 1✅ 212ms
test_queue 2✅ 786ms
test_service 8✅ 1s
test_transaction 10✅ 1s
test_xatmi_call 34✅ 3s
test_xatmi_call_extended 1✅ 100ms
test_xatmi_conversation 29✅ 4s
test_xatmi_start 2✅ 212ms