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casualfantasyfootballer edited this page Oct 19, 2022 · 7 revisions


Please enjoy learning from the code for these visualisaitons. Unfortunately these are not designed for you to simply plug in your data source and expect them to work. Read the code, understand it as best as possible and use them as an education tool. If you have any specific questions, feel free to DM on twitter @casualfantasypl

I am aware that the code could be significantly more efficient. I am still learning myself.

StatsBomb Euro 2022 Territory Plot

Using the file: Euro22_who_controlled_territory


Fantasy Premier League Player Shot & Assisted Shots Maps

Using the files: generate_player_shot_data & player_shots_assists

Gabriel Martinelli 19-10-22 Shots   Assists

Single PL Game Territory Control Plot

Using the file: pl_territory_control

territory example

xG v xGA Scatter Plots (WIP Coming Soon)

Using the file: Top5_xG_xGA_Scatter_Plot