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cat-box edited this page May 29, 2021 · 4 revisions

How do I start/stop/reboot my server?

  1. Login to AWS
  2. From the AWS Management Console, search EC2 and select the result.
  3. Select the instance named FoundryServer
  4. Right click the server to view actions, locate and hover over Instance state. Here you can choose to start/stop/reboot.
    DO NOT choose terminate instance, this will delete your server and cannot be undone EC2 Instance Actions

How can I delete my server entirely?

If you want to completely remove your server and its associated components, CloudFormation provides a "all-in-one" method to do so. By default, your S3 bucket does not auto-delete if it contains content. This is purposefully done to prevent accidental deletes.


  1. Login to AWS.
  2. From the AWS Management Console, search CloudFormation and select the result.
  3. Select the Foundry stack you'd like to delete with the bubble on the left.
    Stack Select
  4. Click Delete.
    Stack Delete
  5. Click Delete Stack in the confirmation popup.
  6. Your stack may fail to delete if data exists in the bucket. Manually delete the bucket with the S3 instrctions below.
    Stack Delete Failed

S3 Bucket

  1. Login to AWS.
  2. From the AWS Management Console, search S3 and select the result.
  3. You will see the bucket listed here, select the associated bucket.
  4. Click Delete. At the bottom of the screen, you will see the deletion progress.
    S3 Delete Button
    S3 Deletion Progress
  5. Return to CloudFormation and attempt to delete the stack again. Check to retain FoundryBucket when prompted. Retain S3

How do I move items into the S3 bucket?

  1. Login to AWS.
  2. From the AWS Management Console, search S3 and select the result.
  3. You will see your buckets listed here, click into the bucket name of the associated foundry server.
    S3 Bucket
  4. Click Upload and add any desired files.
    S3 Upload
  5. Leave all settings at default and click Next 3 times.
  6. Click Upload.

Can I host multiple foundry servers on one domain?

Assuming you have purchased additional licenses to do so, yes you can host multiple instances on a single domain. There are a few restrictions as outlined below:

  1. The subdomain names must be different.
  2. The template parameter webserverbool must always be set to False.

Note: You may incur extra cost from AWS for running two servers.

Is it safe to apply a Foundry update?

If you deployed the server before Oct 23, 2020, the deployment uses rc.local to start Foundry. Don't worry if you don't know what that is, it just means after the update, you will need to restart your instance from EC2.

Version 0.8 and Later ONLY

If you deployed before March 31st 2021, make sure you apply the mandatory node v14 patch before updating.