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Include Data URI Base64 encoded images easily

cyrille-legrand edited this page Oct 28, 2011 · 2 revisions

Here's a little bash script that converts a folder full of PNGs to a .less file, designed to be included in a "main" .less file, referencing all images encoded as base64 data URIs, along with their sizes.



find "$SRC" -name "*.png" | while read i; do
    j="$(basename "$i")"
    f="$(echo "${j%.png}" | tr "@#&%+-. " "_")"
    echo "@gfx_$f: \"data:$(file -b --mime-type "$i");base64,$(base64 -w0 "$i")\";"
    echo "@size_$f: $(gm identify -format "%wpx %hpx" "$i" 2>/dev/null);"
done > "$TMP";
mv "$TMP" "$DST"

You may need to change paths/params to mktemp, file, base64 and gm [GraphicsMagick] according to your setup.

Say you have UITableNextButton.png and UITableNextButton@2x.png in your source folder, the script produces this result (base64 data cut to save space) :

@gfx_UITableNextButton: "(...)";
@size_UITableNextButton: 29px 31px;
@gfx_UITableNextButton_2x: "(...)";
@size_UITableNextButton_2x: 58px 62px;

This allows you to create a .less file like this:

@import "gfx.less" //file produced by the script
.UITableNextButton {
    background: url(@gfx_UITableNextButton) no-repeat center center;
    -webkit-background-size: @size_UITableNextButton;

@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
    .UITableNextButton {
        background-image: url(@gfx_UITableNextButton_2x);

That speeds things a lot and keeps your code nice, clean, and readable.

You can put lots of .png files in your source folder, the final compilation of your .less file will only include the assets needed and drop the ones unused.