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Repository files navigation


Project has been setup with React.

Include content into the website


Go to npm\demo-page\public\md-content\demos folder. It contents files for each section. You can include the information as a normal file and it will be rendered in the associated demonstrator page.

For more information of how to use Markdown style check the documentation

Any questions or issues with markdown and the renderization of the page create an issue.


To modify the HTML files and content go to npm\demo-page\src\pages\demos\. For each section you will find a file. To include HTML content modify the method render(), adding or removing the required code.

The CSS or styles can be found in the file npm\demo-page\src\App.css.

Contact card

To add a contact in the website using Markdown use the following structure:

<Name of contributor>

## NPM Installation

Install needes packages in folder `npm/demo-page` (go to that path).

yarn add cx-portal-shared-components @emotion/react @emotion/styled @mui/icons-material @mui/material @mui/x-date-pickers react-markdown

yarn start