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Self-Description Factory

In Catena-X we provide self-descriptions for any participant of this data space. The Self Descriptions are stored inside the Self Description Hub, but need to be created first. Self-Description Factory component is responsible for the creation of Self Descriptions. This component gets all necessary parameters and information from the Onboarding Tool, which prepares the data for the SD-Factory, and uses the Managed Identity Wallet based on custodian to sign the Self Descriptions.

Solution Strategy

Here the flow of Self-Description creation is shown:

Process Flow

  1. A user is authenticated in Identity Provider service on behalf of a company and receives the authentication ticket.
  2. User calls Onboarding Service with request for creating and publishing SD-document. The service authenticates the user and prepare the data SD-Factory needs for creating SD-document such as: registrationNumber,, and bpn. Organization wallet of the company which runs the service shall be available at this point of time as it signs the Verifiable Credential with SD document. The wallet associated with the service shall be available as well.
  3. Onboarding service (OS) calls SD-Factory for creating and publishing SD-document passing this data as a parameter. OS uses a credential with a role allowing for this request (e.g. ROLE_SD_CREATOR, currently ROLE_access). The credential for this operation is taken from ID Provider (keyclock).
  4. SD-Factory creates a Verifiable Credential based on the information taken from OS and signs it with organization key. The organization is acting as an Issuer. The wallet ID of the service is used as Holder Id. The Custodian Wallet is used for this operation.
  5. SD-Factory publishes the Verifiable Credential on the SD-Hub and saves it in MongoDB.

For the VC we have to provide valid JSON context where we have a reference to an object from known ontology. This object carries the claims the SD-Factory signs. The document is published on the github repository of the project: This context is going to be changed when corresponding vocabulary will be available in Trusted Framework. Currently, the vocabulary is defined in this file:

   "@context": {
      "SD-document": {
         "@context": {
            "company_number": {
               "@id": "ctx:company_number"
            "headquarter_country": {
               "@id": "ctx:headquarter_country"
            "legal_country": {
               "@id": "ctx:legal_country"
            "service_provider": {
               "@id": "ctx:service_provider"
            "bpn": {
               "@id": "ctx:bpn"
      "LegalPerson": {
         "@id": "ctx:LegalPerson",
         "@context": {
            "registrationNumber": {
               "@id": "ctx:registrationNumber"
            "": {
               "@id": ""
            "": {
               "@id": ""
            "bpn": {
               "@id": "ctx:bpn"
      "ServiceOffering": {
         "@context": {
            "providedBy": {
               "@id": "ctx:providedBy"
            "aggregationOf": {
               "@id": "ctx:aggregationOf"
            "termsAndConditions": {
               "@id": "ctx:termsAndConditions"
            "policies": {
               "@id": "ctx:policies"
      "company_number": {
         "@id": "ctx:company_number",
         "@type": ""
      "headquarter_country": {
         "@id": "ctx:headquarter_country",
         "@type": ""
      "legal_country": {
         "@id": "ctx:legal_country",
         "@type": ""
      "registrationNumber": {
         "@id": "ctx:registrationNumber",
         "@type": ""
      "": {
         "@id": "",
         "@type": ""
      "": {
         "@id": "",
         "@type": ""
      "bpn": {
         "@id": "ctx:bpn",
         "@type": ""
      "service_provider": {
         "@id": "ctx:service_provider",
         "@type": ""
      "providedBy": {
         "@id": "ctx:providedBy",
         "@type": ""
      "aggregationOf": {
         "@id": "ctx:aggregationOf",
         "@type": ""
      "termsAndConditions": {
         "@id": "ctx:termsAndConditions",
         "@type": ""
      "policies": {
         "@id": "ctx:policies",
         "@type": ""
      "maintainedBy": {
         "@id": "ctx:maintainedBy",
         "@type": ""
      "copyrightOwnedBy": {
         "@id": "ctx:copyrightOwnedBy",
         "@type": ""
      "license": {
         "@id": "ctx:license",
         "@type": ""
      "hostedOn": {
         "@id": "ctx:hostedOn",
         "@type": ""
      "tenantOwnedBy": {
         "@id": "ctx:tenantOwnedBy",
         "@type": ""
      "endpoint": {
         "@id": "ctx:endpoint",
         "@type": ""

REST Interface

The SD-Factory

The SD-Factory provides an interface for creating. The method is protected: only the authorized user can call it. It is protected with keycloak. The configuration parameters are given in application.yml. The user role for creating Self-Descriptions is specified in application.yml as well.

POST /selfdescription

where body is

   "type": "LegalPerson",
   "holder": "BPNL000000000000",
   "registrationNumber": "o12345678",
   "": "DE",
   "": "DE",
   "bpn": "BPNL000000000000"

for LegalPerson Self-Description and

  "holder": "BPNL000000000000",
  "type": "ServiceOffering",
  "providedBy": "https://participant.url",
  "aggregationOf": "to be clarified",
  "termsAndConditions": "to be clarified",
  "policies": "to be clarified"

for ServiceOffering.

This call creates a Self-Description. The full OpenAPI specification is available at

The Self-Description in the format of Verifiable Credential is returned. Here is an example of Verifiable Credentials for LegalPerson:

   "id": "",
   "@context": [
   "type": [
   "issuer": "did:sov:BEumURwPdXCobgbPYQZXge",
   "issuanceDate": "2022-10-08T18:12:14Z",
   "expirationDate": "2023-01-06T18:12:14Z",
   "credentialSubject": {
      "headquarter_country": "DE",
      "legal_country": "DE",
      "bpn": "BPNL000000000000",
      "registration_number": "12345678",
      "id": "did:indy:idunion:test:P5TFvs9PQ6e6nMB18XVTJw"
   "credentialStatus": {
      "id": "",
      "type": "StatusList2021Entry",
      "statusPurpose": "revocation",
      "statusListIndex": "61",
      "statusListCredential": ""
   "proof": {
      "type": "Ed25519Signature2018",
      "created": "2022-10-08T18:12:16Z",
      "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
      "verificationMethod": "did:sov:BEumURwPdXCobgbPYQZXge#key-1",
      "jws": "eyJhbGciOiAiRWREU0EiLCAiYjY0IjogZmFsc2UsICJjcml0IjogWyJiNjQiXX0..PNxly7b0d714bapo58YB-qmTtw7q3TVB7plOtaQRCXF2VrCwO4-x7Fx8PeavnwYpzu8adF8ZLnALDgMuPBXIAg"


The configuration property file is located under resources folder and is incorporated into the fat jar during build process. It can be customized before building if needed. Or,the another one can be used as its location can be overridden:

java -jar myproject.jar --spring.config.location=file:./custom-config/

Here application.yaml will be searched in custom-config dir.

Self-Description Factory Property file

An example of application.yaml for SD-Factory is given bellow:

   port: 8080
   realm: CX-Central
   resource: Cl2-CX-Portal
   bearer-only: true
   use-resource-role-mappings: true
   principal-attribute: preferred_username
      enabled: false
      url: /SDFactoryApi.yml
      version: ^project.version^
      durationDays: 90
      realm: CX-Central
      clientId: <CLIENT_ID>
      clientSecret: <CLIENT_SECRET>
      createRole: add_self_descriptions

Here keycloak section defines keycloak's parameters for authentication client requests.

app.verifiableCredentials.durationDays defines for how many days the VC is issued.

app.custodianWallet contains parameters for accessing Custodian Wallet:

  • uri is custodian Wallet url
  • auth-server-url, realm, clientId, clientSecret - keycloak parameters for a user used for making the calls to the Custodian Wallet. This user shall have enough rights to create Verifiable Credentials and Verifiable Presentations. - sets the roles a user must hold for creating Self-Description.


SD-Factory use Maven for building process. To build a service from sources one need to go to corresponding directory and trigger building process:

cd SDFactory
./mvnw clean install

Then fat jar file can be found in target folder as well as in local Maven repository. it can be run with this command:

java -jar target/sd-factory-1.0.6-SNAPSHOT.jar

Please note the name of jar-file as it may differ if version is changed.

To build a Docker image one can use this command:

./mvnw spring-boot:build-image

A Docker image will be built and installed to the local repository.


SD-Factory can be fired up locally in Docker environment. Before that the images need to be created as it is described here.

Installation Steps:-

Helm charts are provided inside

There are diffrent ways to do the installation

  1. Using helm commands:-

    a.) git clone
    b.) Modify values file according to your requirement.
    c.) You need to define the secrets as well in values.yaml secret: name: "" clientId: "" clientSecret: "" d.) These secrets should be defined in Hashicorp vault e.) Deploy in a kubernetes cluster
    helm install sdfactory charts/SDFactory/ -n NameSpace

  2. Using ArgoCD.

To see how to deploy an application on 'Hotel Budapest': How to deploy