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6. Agile Scrum

Crystal Tenn edited this page Jan 4, 2019 · 1 revision

If you need some background reading on Kanban vs. Scrum and more details on Scrum, click here.

  1. Click on the Sprints navigation tab. Then Click Set Dates as seen in the screenshot below: Alt text
  2. Set the dates for a 2 or 3 week Sprint, starting from today. Alt text
  3. Click on the Capacity tab. Alt text
  4. Add yourself as Requirements and 6 hours per day. You can test out adding Days Off also. Click Save when you are done. Alt text
  5. Click on the Backlog. Alt text
  6. Shift-click and select 4 Work Items. Right click on them and choose Edit. Alt text
  7. Select to do Tags (Add), and "web" then hit Save. Click here to read more about tags. Alt text
  8. Click on a Work Item you added the tag to, and you will see it as follows: Alt text
  9. Edit a few more work items again in Bulk, and change their Priority to 1. Alt text
  10. Verify that it worked by checking those work items. You can CTRL+click work items to select items that are not in order if you wanted every other one, for example. Try this out also. Alt text
  11. Shift Select a group of Work Items and move them to Sprint 2 by dragging and dropping them. Alt text
  12. Notice that now there are Work Items in both sprints. Alt text
  13. Setup more Sprint dates for Sprint 2 and 3.