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Writing Basic Software Application


After completing this lab, you will be able to:

  • Write a basic application to access an IP peripheral in SDK
  • Develop a linker script
  • Partition the executable sections into both the DDR3 and BRAM spaces
  • Generate an elf executable file
  • Download the bitstream and application and verify on a Zynq board


Opening the Project

  1. Start the Vivado if necessary and open either the lab3 project (lab3.xpr) you created in the previous lab or the lab3 project in the {labsolutions} directory using the Open Project link in the Getting Started page.
  2. Select File > Save Project As… to open the Save Project As dialog box. Enter lab4 as the project name. Make sure that the Create Project Subdirectory option is checked, the project directory path is {labs} and click OK.

This will create the lab4 directory and save the project and associated directory with lab4 name.

Export to SDK and create Application Project

  1. Click File > Export > Export Hardware.

  2. Click on the checkbox of Include the bitstream and then click Yes to overwrite.

  3. Select File > Launch SDK and click OK.

  4. To tidy up the workspace and save unnecessary building of a project that is not being used, right click on the TestApp, standalonebsp0, and the system_wrapper_hw_platform_1 projects from the previous lab, and click Close Project, as these projects will not be used in this lab. They can be reopened later if needed.

  5. Select File > New > Application Project.

  6. Enter lab4 as the Project Name, and for Board Support Package, choose Create New lab4_bsp (should be the only option).

  7. Click Next, and select Empty Application and click Finish.

  8. Expand lab4 in the project view and right-click in the src folder and select Import.

  9. Expand General category and double-click on File System.

  10. Browse to {sources}\lab4 folder and click OK.

  11. Select lab4.c and click Finish to add the file to the project. (Ignore any errors for now).

  12. Expand lab4_bsp and open the system.mss

  13. Click on Documentation link corresponding to buttons peripheral under the Peripheral Drivers section to open the documentation in a default browser window. As our led_ip is very similar to GPIO, we look at the mentioned documentation.

    Accessing device driver documentation

  14. View the various C and Header files associated with the GPIO by clicking Files at the top of the page.

  15. Double-click on lab4.c in the Project Explorer view to open the file. This will populate the Outline tab.

  16. Double click on xgpio.h in the Outline view on the right of the screen and review the contents of the file to see the available function calls for the GPIO.

    Outline View

    The following steps must be performed in your software application to enable reading from the GPIO: 1) Initialize the GPIO, 2) Set data direction, and 3) Read the data

    Find the descriptions for the following functions:

    XGpio_Initialize (XGpio *InstancePtr, u16 DeviceId) InstancePtr is a pointer to an XGpio instance. The memory the pointer references must be pre-allocated by the caller. Further calls to manipulate the component through the XGpio API must be made with this pointer.

    DeviceId is the unique id of the device controlled by this XGpio component. Passing in a device id associates the generic XGpio instance to a specific device, as chosen by the caller or application developer.

    XGpio_SetDataDirection (XGpio *InstancePtr, unsigned Channel, u32 DirectionMask)

    InstancePtr is a pointer to the XGpio instance to be worked on.

    Channel contains the channel of the GPIO (1 or 2) to operate on.

    DirectionMask is a bitmask specifying which bits are inputs and which are outputs. Bits set to 0 are output and bits set to 1 are input.

    XGpio_DiscreteRead(XGpio *InstancePtr, unsigned channel)

    InstancePtr is a pointer to the XGpio instance to be worked on.

    Channel contains the channel of the GPIO (1 or 2) to operate on

  17. Open the header file xparameters.h by double-clicking on xparameters.h in the Outline tab

    The xparameters.h file contains the address map for peripherals in the system. This file is generated from the hardware platform description from Vivado. Find the following #define used to identify the switches peripheral:


Note the number might be different

Notice the other #define XPAR_SWITCHES* statements in this section for the switches peripheral, and in particular the address of the peripheral defined by: XPAR_SWITCHES_BASEADDR

  1. Modify line 14 of lab4.c to use this macro (#define) in the XGpio_Initialize function.
1 #include "xparameters.h"
2 #include "xgpio.h"
4 //====================================================
6 int main (void)
7 {
9    XGpio dip, push;
10   int i, psb_check, dip_check;
12   xil_printf("-- Start of the Program --\r\n");
14   XGpio_Initialize(&dip, XPAR_DIP_DEVICE_ID); // Modify this
15   XGpio_SetDataDirection(&dip, 1, 0xffffffff);
17   XGpio_Initialize(&push, XPAR_PUSH_DEVICE_ID); // Modify this
18   XGpio_SetDataDirection(&push, 1, 0xffffffff);
21   while (1)
22   {
23	  psb_check = XGpio_DiscreteRead(&push, 1);
24	  xil_printf("Push Buttons Status %x\r\n", psb_check);
25	  dip_check = XGpio_DiscreteRead(&dip, 1);
26	  xil_printf("DIP Switch Status %x\r\n", dip_check);
28	  // output dip switches value on LED_ip device
30	  for (i=0; i<9999999; i++);
31   }
32 }
  1. Do the same for the BUTTONS; find the macro (#define) for the BUTTONS peripheral in xparameters.h, and modify line 17 in lab4.c, and save the file.

    The project will be rebuilt. If there are any errors, check and fix your code. Your C code will eventually read the value of the switches and output it to the led_ip.

  2. Select lab4_bsp in the project view, right-click, and select Board Support Package Settings.

  3. Select drivers on the left (under Overview)

  4. If the led_ip driver has not already been selected, select Generic under the Driver column for led_ip to access the dropdown menu. From the dropdown menu, select led_ip, and click OK.

    Assign led_ip driver

Examine the Driver code

The driver code was generated automatically when the IP template was created. The driver includes higher level functions which can be called from the user application. The driver will implement the low level functionality used to control your peripheral.

  1. In windows explorer, browse to led_ip\ip_repo\led_ip_1.0\drivers\led_ip_v1_0\src Notice the files in this directory and open led_ip.c. This file only includes the header file for the IP.
  2. Close led_ip.c and open the header file led_ip.h and notice the macros:
LED_IP_mWriteReg( … )
LED_IP_mReadReg( … )
e.g: search for the macro name LED_IP_mWriteReg:
 * Write a value to a LED_IP register. A 32 bit write is performed.
 * If the component is implemented in a smaller width, only the least
 * significant data is written.
 * @param   BaseAddress is the base address of the LED_IP device.
 * @param   RegOffset is the register offset from the base to write to.
 * @param   Data is the data written to the register.
 * @return  None.
 * @note
 * C-style signature:
 * 	void LED_IP_mWriteReg(Xuint32 BaseAddress, unsigned RegOffset,    Xuint32 Data)
#define LED_IP_mWriteReg(BaseAddress, RegOffset, Data) \
   	Xil_Out32((BaseAddress) + (RegOffset), (Xuint32)(Data))

For this driver, you can see the macros are aliases to the lower level functions Xil_Out32( ) and Xil_Out32( ). The macros in this file make up the higher level API of the led_ip driver. If you are writing your own driver for your own IP, you will need to use low level functions like these to read and write from your IP as required. The low level hardware access functions are wrapped in your driver making it easier to use your IP in an Application project.

  1. Modify your C code (see figure below, or you can find modified code in lab4_sol.c from the {sources} folder) to echo the dip switch settings on the LEDs by using the led_ip driver API macros, and save the application.

  2. Include the header file:

#include "led_ip.h"
  1. Include the function to write to the IP (insert before the for loop):
LED_IP_mWriteReg(XPAR_LED_IP_S_AXI_BASEADDR, 0, dip_check);

Remember that the hardware address for a peripheral (e.g. the macro XAR_LED_IP_S_AXI_BASEADDR in the line above) can be found in xparameters.h

#include "xparameters.h"
#include "xgpio.h"
#include "led_ip.h"

int main (void)

   XGpio dip, push;
   int i, psb_check, dip_check;

   xil_printf("-- Start of the Program --\r\n");

   XGpio_Initialize(&dip, XPAR_SWITCHES_DEVICE_ID); // Modify this
   XGpio_SetDataDirection(&dip, 1, 0xffffffff);

   XGpio_Initialize(&push, XPAR_BUTTONS_DEVICE_ID); // Modify this
   XGpio_SetDataDirection(&push, 1, 0xffffffff);

   while (1)
	  psb_check = XGpio_DiscreteRead(&push, 1);
	  xil_printf("Push Buttons Status %x\r\n", psb_check);
	  dip_check = XGpio_DiscreteRead(&dip, 1);
	  xil_printf("DIP Switch Status %x\r\n", dip_check);

	  // output dip switches value on LED_ip device
	  LED_IP_mWriteReg(XPAR_LED_IP_S_AXI_BASEADDR, 0, dip_check);

	  for (i=0; i<9999999; i++);
  1. Save the file and the program will be compiled again.

Analyze Assembled Object Files

  1. Launch the shell from SDK by selecting Xilinx Tools > Launch Shell.

  2. Change the directory to lab4\Debug using the cd command in the shell. You can determine your directory path and the current directory contents by using the pwd and dir commands.

  3. Type arm-none-eabi-objdump –h lab4.elf at the prompt in the shell window to list various sections of the program, along with the starting address and size of each section You should see results similar to that below:

    Object dump results - .text, .stack, and .heap in the DDR3 space

Verify in Hardware

  1. Make sure that micro-USB cable(s) is(are) connected between the board and the PC. Turn ON the power.

  2. Select the tab. If it is not visible then select Window > Show view > Other.. > Terminal.

  3. Click on the connect button and if required, select appropriate COM port (depends on your computer), and configure it with the parameters as shown. (These settings may have been saved from previous lab).

  4. Select Xilinx Tools > Program FPGA.

  5. Click the Program button to program the FPGA.

  6. Select lab4 in Project Explorer, right-click and select Run As > Launch on Hardware (System Debugger) to download the application, execute ps7_init, and execute lab4.elf

    DIP switch and Push button settings displayed in SDK terminal

    Note: Setting the DIP switches and push buttons will change the results displayed.

  7. Right click on lab4 and click Generate Linker Script… Note that all four major sections, code, data, stack and heap are to be assigned to BRAM controller.

  8. In the Basic Tab change the Code and Data sections to ps7_ddr_0, leaving the Heap and Stack in section to axi_bram_ctrl_0_S_AXI_BASEADDR memory and click Generate, and click Yes to overwrite.

    Targeting Stack/Heap sections to BRAM

    The program will compile again.

  9. Type arm-none-eabi-objdump –h lab4.elf at the prompt in the shell window to list various sections of the program, along with the starting address and size of each section

    You should see results similar to that below:

    The .heap and .stack sections targeted to BRAM whereas the rest of the application is in DDR

    Flip the DIP switches and verify that the LEDs light according to the switch settings. Verify that you see the results of the DIP switch and Push button settings in SDK Terminal.

  10. Select lab4 in Project Explorer, right-click and select Run As > Launch on Hardware (System Debugger) to download the application, execute ps7_init, and execute lab4.elf

    Click Yes if prompted to stop the execution and run the new application.

    Observe the SDK Terminal window as the program executes. Play with dip switches and observe the LEDs. Notice that the system is relatively slow in displaying the message in the Terminal tab and to change in the switches as the stack and heap are from a non-cached BRAM memory.

  11. When finished, click on the Terminate button in the Console tab.

  12. Exit SDK and Vivado.

  13. Power OFF the board.


Use SDK to define, develop, and integrate the software components of the embedded system. You can define a device driver interface for each of the peripherals and the processor. SDK imports an hdf file, creates a corresponding MSS file and lets you update the settings so you can develop the software side of the processor system. You can then develop and compile peripheral-specific functional software and generate the executable file from the compiled object code and libraries. If needed, you can also use a linker script to target various segments in various memories. When the application is too big to fit in the internal BRAM, you can download the application in external memory and then execute the program.