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fix(which-key): wrong separator highlight group
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nullchilly committed Jul 7, 2023
1 parent cc8d3ab commit d438c01
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Showing 2 changed files with 108 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lua/catppuccin/groups/integrations/which_key.lua
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ function M.get()
WhichKeyBorder = { link = "FloatBorder" },

WhichKeyGroup = { fg = },
WhichKeySeperator = { fg = C.overlay0 },
WhichKeySeparator = { fg = C.overlay0 },
WhichKeyDesc = { fg = },
WhichKeyValue = { fg = C.overlay0 },
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107 changes: 107 additions & 0 deletions tests/setup_spec.lua
Expand Up @@ -125,6 +125,113 @@ local configs = {
backwardspy = {
flavour = os.getenv "appearance" == "light" and "latte" or "mocha",
integrations = {
gitsigns = true,
indent_blankline = { enabled = true },
leap = true,
mini = true,
neotree = true,
noice = true,
cmp = true,
notify = true,
treesitter = true,
telescope = true,
which_key = true,
color_overrides = {
mocha = {
base = "#171717",
mantle = "#101010",
crust = "#0C0C0C",
custom_highlights = function(colors)
local utils = require "catppuccin.utils.colors"
local tint = function(tint) return utils.blend(tint, colors.base, 0.2) end

return {
-- notify
NotifyBackground = { bg = colors.mantle },
-- noice
NoiceCmdlinePopup = { bg = colors.mantle },
NoiceCmdlinePopupBorder = { bg = colors.mantle, fg = colors.mantle },
-- telescope
TelescopeMatching = { fg = colors.yellow },
TelescopeSelection = { fg = colors.text, bg = colors.surface0 },
-- results
TelescopeResultsNormal = { bg = colors.mantle },
TelescopeResultsBorder = { bg = colors.mantle, fg = colors.mantle },
TelescopeResultsTitle = { fg = colors.mantle },
-- prompt
TelescopePromptNormal = { bg = colors.surface0 },
TelescopePromptBorder = { bg = colors.surface0, fg = colors.surface0 },
TelescopePromptTitle = { bg = colors.teal, fg = colors.mantle },
TelescopePromptPrefix = { bg = colors.surface0 },
-- preview
TelescopePreviewNormal = { bg = colors.crust },
TelescopePreviewBorder = { bg = colors.crust, fg = colors.crust },
TelescopePreviewTitle = { bg =, fg = colors.mantle },
-- neotree
NeoTreeNormal = { bg = colors.mantle },
NeoTreeNormalNC = { bg = colors.mantle },
-- cmp
PmenuSel = { bg = colors.mantle, fg = "NONE" },
Pmenu = { fg = colors.text, bg = colors.crust },

CmpItemAbbrDeprecated = { fg = colors.overlay0, bg = "NONE", style = { "strikethrough" } },
CmpItemAbbrMatch = { fg = colors.yellow, bg = "NONE", style = { "bold" } },
CmpItemAbbrMatchFuzzy = { fg = colors.yellow, bg = "NONE", style = { "bold" } },
CmpItemMenu = { fg = colors.lavender, bg = "NONE", style = { "italic" } },

CmpItemKindField = { fg = colors.rosewater, bg = tint(colors.rosewater) },
CmpItemKindProperty = { fg = colors.rosewater, bg = tint(colors.rosewater) },
CmpItemKindEvent = { fg = colors.rosewater, bg = tint(colors.rosewater) },

CmpItemKindText = { fg = colors.text, bg = tint(colors.text) },
CmpItemKindModule = { fg = colors.text, bg = tint(colors.text) },
CmpItemKindVariable = { fg = colors.text, bg = tint(colors.text) },
CmpItemKindFile = { fg = colors.text, bg = tint(colors.text) },
CmpItemKindUnit = { fg = colors.text, bg = tint(colors.text) },
CmpItemKindValue = { fg = colors.text, bg = tint(colors.text) },

CmpItemKindEnum = { fg = colors.yellow, bg = tint(colors.yellow) },
CmpItemKindReference = { fg = colors.yellow, bg = tint(colors.yellow) },
CmpItemKindClass = { fg = colors.yellow, bg = tint(colors.yellow) },
CmpItemKindFolder = { fg = colors.yellow, bg = tint(colors.yellow) },
CmpItemKindEnumMember = { fg = colors.yellow, bg = tint(colors.yellow) },
CmpItemKindInterface = { fg = colors.yellow, bg = tint(colors.yellow) },

CmpItemKindKeyword = { fg = colors.mauve, bg = tint(colors.mauve) },

CmpItemKindConstant = { fg = colors.peach, bg = tint(colors.peach) },

CmpItemKindConstructor = { fg = colors.lavender, bg = tint(colors.lavender) },

CmpItemKindFunction = { fg =, bg = tint( },
CmpItemKindMethod = { fg =, bg = tint( },

CmpItemKindStruct = { fg = colors.teal, bg = tint(colors.teal) },
CmpItemKindOperator = { fg = colors.teal, bg = tint(colors.teal) },

CmpItemKindSnippet = { fg = colors.flamingo, bg = tint(colors.flamingo) },

CmpItemKindColor = { fg =, bg = tint( },
CmpItemKindTypeParameter = { fg = colors.maroon, bg = tint(colors.maroon) },

describe("setup", function()
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