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The Causa workspace module providing functionalities for projects coded in TypeScript.


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@causa/workspace-typescript module

This repository contains the source code for the @causa/workspace-typescript Causa module. It provides Causa features and implementations of cs commands for projects written in TypeScript. For more information about the Causa CLI cs, checkout its repository.

➕ Requirements

The Causa CLI requires Node.js and npm (which comes bundled with Node.js). We recommend installing Node.js using a version manager, such as asdf and its nodejs plugin. If set, the javascript.npm.version and javascript.node.version configurations should match the installed versions of these tools. They will also be used during build operations for example.

Docker is also needed for running security checks, and when building serviceContainer projects.

🎉 Installation

Add @causa/workspace-typescript to your Causa configuration in causa.modules.

🔧 Configuration

For all the configuration in your Causa files related to TypeScript (but also JavaScript) look at the schema for the TypeScriptConfiguration.

✨ Supported project types and commands

Projects supported by this module must have typescript (or in some cases javascript is enough) as their project.language. The following Causa project.types are supported:

  • package: Builds TypeScript packages using npm run build, and publishes both JavaScript and TypeScript packages using npm publish.
  • serverlessFunctions: The TypeScript package is built using npm run build and archived as a ZIP file. Publishing is not implemented and depends on the serverlessFunctions.platform.
  • serviceContainer: Builds a Docker image for the service using distroless. Publishing is implemented in the core module.

Apart from build and publish, other project-level commands are supported:

  • cs init: Runs npm ci, setting up the node_modules locally.
  • cs lint: Runs npm run lint.
  • cs test: Runs npm run test.
  • cs dependencies check: Uses npm audit to check dependencies for vulnerabilities. See the javascript.dependencies.check configuration for more options.
  • cs dependencies update: Uses npm-check-updates to update the package.json file, then run npm update.
  • cs security check: Uses njsscan to scan for common insecure code patterns.

TypeScript event interfaces generation through cs events generateCode is supported for JSON events (defined using JSONSchema).

OpenAPI specification generation

OpenAPI specification generation is supported for serviceContainer projects using the Causa runtime (and NestJS). After configuring the project, simply run cs openapi genSpec.

Generation works by extracting the OpenAPI specification while the application is running. For this, a script is injected into a Docker container for the service running locally. If the service relies on emulators or other resources, make sure they are running before generating the OpenAPI specification. If a .env file is present at the project's root, it will be used to configure the container's environment.

For the generation to occur, the Causa configuration must contain where the NestJS application module can be found. For example:

    # If this is not set, the generation will fail.
      # The absolute path within the Docker container.
      # By default the working directory is `/app`, and the compiled TypeScript code is copied to `/app/dist`.
      sourceFile: /app/dist/app.module.js
      # The name of the class representing the application module.
      name: AppModule

Code generation for events

Code generation using cs events generateCode is supported for JSONSchema definitions. By default, the generated code will be written in the project to src/model.ts. This can be configured, along with other options, using the TypeScript configuration.

In JSONSchema definitions, a custom causa attribute can be added to object types and their properties. This attribute can customize the generated code for the object or property:

  • tsExcludedDecorators: Provides a list of decorators that should not be added to the class or property by decorator renderers (see below). The exclusion list at the object level in inherited by all properties.
  • tsDecorators: A list of decorators that should be added to the class or property.
  • tsType: Properties only. Forces the type of the property to the provided TypeScript code.
  • tsDefault: Properties only. Uses the provided TypeScript code as the default value for the property.

For example:

title: MyClass
type: object
    - source: @ClassDecorator()
        my-module: [ClassDecorator]
    type: integer
      tsType: bigint
      tsDefault: 123n
    type: string
      tsExcludedDecorators: [IsString]
  - myBigInt

By default, several decorator renderers are enabled. Those renderers automatically add decorators to classes and properties:

  • causaValidator: Adds the @IsNullable and @AllowMissing decorators from the @causa/runtime package.
  • classValidator: Adds class-validator and class-transformer decorators based on the property type.
  • openapi: Adds @ApiProperty decorators from the @nestjs/swagger package. This is only enabled for objects with the causa.tsOpenApi attribute set to true in their JSONSchema definition.


The Causa workspace module providing functionalities for projects coded in TypeScript.





