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1.2 Organising your data for the analysis

johaGL edited this page Jan 31, 2024 · 2 revisions

Input data folder structure

DIMet relies on a specific folder organisation for input data and the accompanying configuration files. Data should be structured following the example MYPROJECT below.

├── config
│   ├── analysis
│   │   ├── dataset
│   │   │   └── # --->'dataset configuration' yaml files
│   │   ├── # --->'analysis configuration' yaml files
│   ├── # ---> 'general configuration' yaml files
└── data
    └── DATASET1_data
        ├── # ---> tabular .csv files

DATASET1 represents an experiment, you should replace it by a meaningful name. More than one subfolder in the data folder can be present.

We encourage the user to download the examples that we provide (Zenodo links in subsection 1.1.1 Using DIMet with provided datasets), as they are organized following this required structure, so the user will easily understand it.

Please continue to the following sections, and preferably, with the downloaded examples at hand:

1.2.1 Data files explains the quantifications and metadata files formatting.

1.2.2 Configuration files explains how to compose the configuration files for the different types of analyses.

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