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Down to earth ACME server

> acmeca --help     
   server - Start ACME server

   acmeca [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --httpscert value          Certificate to use for HTTPS (default: "/etc/acmeca/certs/https.crt") [%HTTPS_CERT%]
   --httpskey value           Key to use for HTTPS (default: "/etc/acmeca/certs/https.pem") [%HTTPS_KEY%]
   --hostnames value          Hostname for self sign certificate (default: "localhost") [%HOSTNAMES%]
   --listen value             Address to listen to (default: ":8443") [%LISTEN%]
   --noncestorage value       Nonce storage type to use (default: "memory") [%NONCE_STORAGE%]
   --objectstorage value      Object storage type to use (default: "xorm") [%OBJECT_STORAGE%]
   --objectstorageopts value  Object storage options (key1=value1;key2=value2;...) [%OBJECT_STORAGE_OPTS%]
   --certstorage value        certificate storage type to use (default: "file") [%CERT_STORAGE%]
   --certstorageopts value    certificate storage options (key1=value1;key2=value2...) [%CERT_STORAGE_OPTS%]
   --domains value            allowed top level domains (default: ".local") [%DOMAINS%]
   --ca                       enable ca requests (default: false) [%CA%]
   --cacert value             CA certificate (default: "/etc/acmeca/certs/ca.crt") [%CACERT%]
   --cakey value              CA key (default: "/etc/acmeca/certs/ca.pem") [%CAKEY%]
   --acme                     enable acme requests (default: true) [%ACME%]
   --secret value             secret for communication with ca (picked from /run/secrets/acmesecret) [%SECRET%]
   --caurl value              url to ca (default: "https://localhost:8443/ca") [%CASERVER%]
   --cron                     cron tasks (default: true) [%ACMECRON%]
   --help, -h                 show help (default: false)

The server is designed to be flexible allowing:

  • different backend storage for
    • certificates
    • configuration
    • nonces

It will also work in different modes:

  • server: servers acme requests
  • ca: generates certificates

This allows to secure the ca in a place only accessible by frontend servers.


single server

file cert store  sqlite object store (xorm)
        |         |
HTTPS  |           +--+
------>+ ACME + CA |  | CA requests
       |           +<-+
ACME verifications

signle server for acme and CA

  sqlite object store (xorm)
       +-----+-----+      +--------+
HTTPS  |           |      |        |
------>+    ACME   +----->+   CA   |
       |           |      |        |
       +-----+-----+      +----+---+
             |                 |
<------------+           file cert store
ACME verifications

multiple frontends for acme and one CA

TODO: have a distributed nonce store (xorm or redis). I personaly prefer redis

ACME verifications
---+        +-----+-----+           
L  | HTTPS  |           |           
O  | ------>+    ACME   +-----------+
A  |        |           |           |
D  |        +-----+-----+           |     +--------+
B  |              |                 |     |        |
A  |   mariadb object store (xorm)  +---->|   CA   |
L  |   + redis nonce store          |     |        |
A  |              |                 |     +----+---+
N  |        +-----+-----+           |          |
C  | HTTPS  |           |           |   file cert store
E  | ------>+    ACME   +-----------+   
R  |        |           |           
---+        +-----+-----+           
ACME verifications

multiple acme and ca

TODO: implementing S3 certificate store would allow to loadbalance multiple CA servers

ACME verifications
---+        +-----+-----+           +-----+     +--------+     +------------+
L  | HTTPS  |           |           |  L  |     |        |     |            |
O  | ------>+    ACME   +---------->+  O  +---->|   CA   +<--->+            |
A  |        |           |           |  A  |     |        |     |            |
D  |        +-----+-----+           |  D  |     +--------+     |            |
B  |              |                 |  B  |                    |            |
A  |   mariadb object store (xorm)  |  A  |                    |     S3     |
L  |   + redis nonce store          |  L  |                    |            |
A  |              |                 |  A  |                    |            |
N  |        +-----+-----+           |  N  |     +--------+     |            |
C  | HTTPS  |           |           |  C  |     |        |     |            |
E  | ------>+    ACME   +---------->+  E  +---->|   CA   +<--->+            |
R  |        |           |           |  R  |     |        |     |            |
---+        +-----+-----+           +-----+     +--------+     +------------+
ACME verifications



Currently two backends are implemented:

  • memory: certificates are stored in memory
  • file: certificates are stored in a directory


Currently two backend are implemented

  • memory: objectes are stored in memory
  • xorm: memory are stored in database


Currently only memory is supported.


  • implement tests
  • additoonal backend for nonce (redis)
  • additional backend for certiciates (s3)
  • cron to cleanup database objects: authorization and challenges
  • queuing for verifications


Down to earth ACME server






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