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1: Platform Types

Jane edited this page Mar 27, 2015 · 1 revision

The following are the different types of platforms CC works with. These categories are not standards, but common lenses with which to view platforms for CC's platform strategy.

Primary focus: Content platforms with a community of contributors

The Platform Initiative is primarily focused on content platforms with a community of users that contribute this content. Content platforms may be accessed through web browsers, mobile applications, or both. Examples of content platforms accessed primarily via web browser are Flickr and Vimeo. Examples of content platforms accessed primarily via mobile are Instagram and The List.

Secondary and evolving focus: Creation & Discovery Tools

Creation tools include Microsoft Office suite, Google docs, and Wordpress. Creation tools are primarily desktop- or web- based, but are increasingly becoming mobile- and tablet- based. Discovery tools include Google image search and Bing image search. Discovery tools can be based anywhere, but we have primarily dealt with web-based discovery tools in the past. The Platform Initiative will evolve over time to account for more of these types of platforms if they align with our strategic goals.

Not covered: Single provider content websites

The Platform Initiative does not cover: organizations or institutions that host content they own on a website. These include examples such as MIT OpenCourseWare, individual websites of GLAM institutions, the New York Times. Some of these examples can fall in a gray area, but if they primarily host content they own themselves they are not the focus of this plan. These kinds of adoptions are covered by the Single Provider Website Adoptions project.

Not covered: CC Products

The Platform Initiative is framed around our work with external platforms that we don’t create or host ourselves. The List is a platform, but it is covered separately as a project within our product strategy. CC's platform work may inform The List, however, and vice versa.