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Project Structure

Cecilia Wong edited this page May 1, 2024 · 4 revisions

The webservice

File/Directory Description Main Python module for the webservice. Module for operations related to the Grand Sumo Tournament schedule.
Used by endpoint /getSumoHonbashoSchedule.
flaskapp/ Python file related to Flask app initialization.
data/ Directory for the data file(s) used by the webservice. Functions that provide features that aid development testing.


File/Directory Description
config.ini App configurations shared among all environments.
flaskapp/.env Environment variable configuration for local development environments.

Tests and documentation

File/Directory Description
__tests__/ Directory for the test cases for Python modules.
api/doc/swagger.yaml Swagger UI YAML file for the API documentation accessible from <base URL>/api/doc.

Related to Docker deployment

File/Directory Description
Docker deployment configuration files.
requirements.txt Dependency library declaration used during Docker deployment.
When running the webapp with the Python command line, you may run pip install -r requirements.txt to install the dependencies.
docker-python-kubernetes.yaml Configuration file for running Kubernetes at your local machine's Docker Desktop.
.dockerignore Configures the files and directories to ignore on Docker deployment.


File/Directory Description The contents of this repository's README section.
.github/workflows/ Path for GitHub workflow configuration(s).
docs/ Files related to the API documentation hosted at this repository's GitHub pages.
The swagger.yaml here will be updated to align with the one at api/doc/.