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Electricity Consumption in North Carolina

About this Challenge

From 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM, find a tabular dataset and make a predictive model with it.

Guidelines to this challenge


It is worth noting that I selected North Carolina because North Carolina appears to be the most average State out of the whole United States, based on this 2016 article from Business Insider.

Since completing this Challenge, I have only made the following minor changes:

  • Added a PDF version of my unmodified Presentation-Deck (so it can be viewed without download)
  • Added the guidelines for this challenge (see link above)
  • Added this section to this ReadMe
  • Made some minor spelling corrections to this ReadMe
  • Changed the Title of this document to be more descriptive.

The rest of this work was completed in about 6 hours.


Problem Statement

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Using data from EIA (US Energy Information Administration) are there any patterns in electricity usage in North Carolina from 2001 through 2011, and can we use this data to make a predictive Time-Series Model?

Executive Summary

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Looking at Electrical usage can we forcast future Electrical usage in North Carolina. I selected North Carolina becasue I was looking for a State that would be a good representation of all of the States, and North Carolina seemd to be the most average through my research.

File Directory

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Files should be clearly labeled with descriptive names

|__ code
|    |__ 00_table_of_contents.ipynb
|    |__ 01_eda_and_cleaning.ipynb
|    |__ 02_null_model.ipynb
|    |__ 03_time_series_models.ipynb
|    |__ 04_auto_regression.ipynb
|    |__ 05_analysis.ipynb
|    |__ 06_conclusion.ipynb
|__ data
|    |__ elec_mo_2001_2011_consumption.csv
|__ images
|    |__ electric_time_series_null_model.png
|    |__ electric_time_series_seasonal_forecast.png
|    |__ electricity_auto_regression_forecast.png
|    |__ electricity_test_forecast.png
|    |__ electricity_train_test_forecast.png
|__ presentation
|    |__ ChrisCaldarella_project4_presentation.pptx
|    |__ ChrisCaldarella_project4_presentation.pdf


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I found some data about Electricity usage on Data Is Plural — Structured Archive document, which led me to the US Energy Information Administration webpage where I found a monthly data set of energy consumption by month over several years.

Data Dictionary

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Feature Python Type Data Type Descritpion
date DateTime Continuous Date; First of the Month
STATE Object Nominal State being observed
CONSUMPTION float64 Continuous Amount of total energy consumed that month

Conclusions and Recommendations

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It appears that the Holt-Winters performed the best out of all the models, and fits best when looking at plots. ​ ​ SARIMAX did not do well, but the Seasonal model and the Auto-Regression Models seemed to do ok. ​ ​

Model\Score RMSE MAE
Holt-Winters 3631847 2920368
Seasonal 4294624 3603229
Auto-Regression 4414239 3663597
SARIMAX 4713245 3813522
Null Model 5359973 4164017

Areas for Further Research/Study

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We can expand this to other states in the United States.


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