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New recaptcha #208

riesza opened this issue Dec 8, 2014 · 58 comments

New recaptcha #208

riesza opened this issue Dec 8, 2014 · 58 comments


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riesza commented Dec 8, 2014

Looks like moot is rolling it out on other boards now.

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tallos commented Dec 8, 2014

Yep, cant post at all with 4chanx enabled.

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ccd0 commented Dec 8, 2014

I've released an update for the new captcha. Now to fix all the new bugs!

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riesza commented Dec 8, 2014


This seems to happen now on vertical tabbed but I assume it's an Oneechan problem?
Also on enter press it just stores the captcha instead of trying to submit the post (unless that's intended)

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Not sure if it can be considered a bug, but usability has suffered tremendously compared to the previous captcha, especially for keyboard users. Due to privacy settings google prompts me every time for a captcha, so the workflow changed from

  1. tab into the captcha field
  2. fill out captcha
  3. hit return


  1. switch from keyboard to mouse
  2. click on the captcha link
  3. click on the checkbox
  4. wait for the animation
  5. switch from mouse to keyboard
  6. fill out captcha
  7. hit return (verify captcha)
  8. tab twice to go to focus submit button
  9. hit return (submit)

If there's a way to load the old type instead it would be great

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tenkuu commented Dec 9, 2014

  1. Type post
  2. TAB
  3. TAB
  4. Space and type out captcha if necessary.
  5. Ctrl+Enter

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That's an improvement, but doesn't submit form and captcha in one go.

And still more keypresses and load-times to wait for. First the "i'm not a robot" thing, then the captcha itself.

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swoonet commented Dec 9, 2014

I'm having a somewhat different problem related to the new captcha. I can post using it fine without 4chan x, however when using 4chan x and the quick reply box, I can get as far as entering the new captcha and having it verified, but after that submit does nothing for me.

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tenkuu commented Dec 9, 2014

I'm getting "No Valid Captcha" when Google gives me this:

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My current problem is I can post ONE reply, then I get nothing until I uninstall and reinstall your plugin. It even asks me for the captcha and then the submit box does nothing. Im using your plugin and oneechan 5.0.27. These are the ONLY 2 plugins I have for 4chan. on firefox 28.0.

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on firefox 28.0.

That shit is ancient and long out of support. You should update and make sure auto-updates work.

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Last time I updated half my other plugins refused to work including oneechan.

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Oneechan doesn't even has updates anymore.

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I have the exact same issue that DStarsong has described while on firefox 34.0.5. It's not because he's on an old version.

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thank you dude, was hoping its not just my old version.

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tallos commented Dec 9, 2014

another captcha related bug, QR no longer minimizes once the recaptcha "are you a robot" window is available.

Installgentoo11, What? Nebukazar Oneechan was updated less than 30 days ago.

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I'm sad to say, but the same issue that DStarsong described above still persists to me even when using the just-now updated 4chan x v1.9.15.6 in both stable and beta branches.

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ccd0 commented Dec 9, 2014

The old version is definitely easier at the moment unless you happen to be one of the people who doesn't get the challenge. It might improve, though. I'm going to work on an option to interface with the noscript version, which will be essentially the same interface as before except that captchas are checked before posting. But that wasn't available when I started working on this.

tab twice to go to focus submit button

The new version eliminates this step.

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ccd0 commented Dec 9, 2014

I don't know what causes this yet. When I figure it out, I'll do something about it. If we can figure out what triggers this, it will be possible to avoid it, or at least have 4chan X use the code you entered.

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ccd0 commented Dec 9, 2014

@swoonet @DStarsong
Are you seeing what @DoodleChan posted? I've come across this very rarely and don't know what triggers it. 4chan X doesn't work with that at the moment, but in the latest version, you should be able to remove it and try for another version by clicking the Captchas: 0 link.

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No, havent seen the "copy this code" thing yet. Just what I described.

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ccd0 commented Dec 9, 2014

That's deliberate; otherwise the QR would minimize itself when the popup opened, and Recaptcha would throw a temper-tantrum (try to check the box again, and it loads forever doing who knows what). For the future I can investigate whether it's possible to make it only prevent minimization when there's a popup there.

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Upon further testing, I have discovered that everything works fine if I downgrade to firefox 33.0.2.

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I'm going to work on an option to interface with the noscript version


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ccd0 commented Dec 9, 2014

Are there any errors in your browser console (Control+Shift+J)? (not K)
Is it the Google popup Verify button that doesn't do anything, or the 4chan X Submit button?
Does it work with Oneechan disabled? What about with only Greasemonkey and 4chan X and no other extensions?

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I have the same problem than Doodlechan.
4chan is so ugly in vanilla mode.

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ccd0 commented Dec 9, 2014

What version are you on?
Does copying and pasting work now?

It might be that Google sometimes selects that mode and there's not much we can do about it, like the different kinds of captchas they give. If that's the case, we should make sure it works.

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Latest version of Chrome, and 4chan X in (wich I think is also the latest version).
It appear to just be random, sometimes everything works, and other I get the whole "paste this huge text", but it doesnt work.

For further info, I also have adblock and Disconnect. Read somewhere that they can prevent the google bots to access some stuff, and then consider you as a potential bot.

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pupdeg commented Dec 9, 2014

this.captchas is undefined 4chan-X.user.js:7457
Error: Permission denied to access property 'I0_1418121501409' cb=gapi.loaded_0:46
Use of getAttributeNode() is deprecated. Use getAttribute() instead. recaptcha__en.js:43
Greasemonkey access violation: unsafeWindow cannot call GM_getValue.
this.captchas is undefined

I'm was getting this in the browser console with the same issues as DStarsong. Verify made the captcha close, but the text remained saying "captchas: 0", and clicking it did nothing. Refreshing the page brought a new captcha, but it would only ever display "captchas: 1" after resetting all 4chanX settings.

Then I remembered I was still running Greasemonkey 1.15 because of previous issues, and an upgrade to the latest version fixed all my issues.

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Shit, yeah, I was getting similar codes to what pupdeg just posted. Im on firefox 28 and grease monkey 1.15 due to earlier 4chan x I have to update those, dont I? Whats the earliest FF that runs the latest greasemonkey? I have heard nothing but bad about the most recent FF...

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ccd0 commented Dec 9, 2014

@pupdeg @DStarsong
This should be fixed in, at least the issue causing the

this.captchas is undefined 4chan-X.user.js:7457

and captcha eating.

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oh thank GOD. finally working so far. updated FF to 33.0.2 like dudeman said and grease monkey 2.3. Still have to type the captcha in every time, but at least I can post again...thanks for putting up with my noobness, ccd0, sorry for wasting yer time man.

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Hello, ccd0. Auto-hide QR and Auto-load captcha options don't seem to be working on Firefox 35. I'm gonna have to ask for a refund if this isn't resolved soon. :^)

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Will test it when it's up. For now, I did some test with the new captcha, and the problem is that when the big text block come, I cant validate what I pasted. I get the same error as when I leave a blank in the captcha.

Is there a validation button somewhere that 4chanX is missing ?

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ccd0 commented Dec 9, 2014

What are they doing for you, and what do you expect them to do?

I know it doesn't work in In, it's supposed to remove the captcha stuff and increment the captcha count when you paste in the code. But I haven't gotten a copy-and-paste captcha to test on yet.

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Auto-hide QR:
Expect: While checkbox in corner of QR is checked (the option checks this by default, but checking it with the option disabled should have the same effect), everything but the title (I think it was .move?) of the QR is hidden.
What happens now: Full QR always shows, ignoring auto-hide checkbox.

Auto-load Captcha:
Expect: When QR is created, the captcha is loaded, without needing to first type something.
What happens now: The option is ignored, and the captcha is not loaded until you type something.

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ccd0 commented Dec 9, 2014

On Auto-hide QR, see my reply to @tallos. I'll see what I can do about it.

On Auto-load Captcha, there seems to be a race condition between loading Google's stuff and hours. Should be easy to fix.

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ccd0 commented Dec 9, 2014

The auto-loading issue should be fixed as of /

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ccd0 commented Dec 9, 2014


Also on enter press it just stores the captcha instead of trying to submit the post (unless that's intended)

We could have the thing submit on completion, but that would confuse the people who just check the box and don't expect it to submit, plus you wouldn't be able to cache them. But it could be added as an option if people want it.

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ccd0 commented Dec 9, 2014

We could have the thing submit on completion

This is now an option in the beta version (Post on Captcha Completion). I'm considering making it the default. It doesn't submit if you're dumping, so you can still cache captchas, just not the first one.

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riesza commented Dec 10, 2014

Is there a reason to keep it at two tabs instead of one before you can toggle the check box with space?

This whole thing seems to be more hassle than it's worth unless there are actually people out there for whom the robot check works without needing to still type out a captcha.

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ccd0 commented Dec 10, 2014

It's two in Firefox and one in Chrome. I'm not sure why there's a difference, but Firefox focuses on the iframe that the captcha appears in before focusing on the checkbox inside. And making the iframe non-focusable makes it impossible to navigate to the checkbox, so I'm not sure if there's anything I can easily do about it.

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And making the iframe non-focusable makes it impossible to navigate to the checkbox

I guess you could something that gets tabbed into before the iframe and then change focus via javascript to the captcha?

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ccd0 commented Dec 10, 2014

It can probably be done. I'll have to update 4chan X to run on the Google page, though.

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Re-tested 4chan X now in the version, the problem with the pasting text is still here.

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ccd0 commented Dec 10, 2014

Any error messages in the console when you do that?
What happens if you try to type in the paste box?

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I just press submit when I do that, tried hitting Enter and stuff but it does nothing. I made sure that they were no space or thing like at the end of the pasted text.

Honestly, the char chain is so long that it would be quicker to launch another web browser to post than to type it in the pasting box.

In the end, the only solution I found was to whitelist 4chan on Deconnect, and now I have no problem, because google is taking all my cookies and just asking me to check the bot box.

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ccd0 commented Dec 10, 2014

If it happens again, could you open your Javascript console (Control+Shift+J), and check if there are any errors?

The reason I ask about typing is because either pasting or typing anything in that box should immediately trigger it being removed and saved as a verification code, unless something is wrong with the script.

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pad-mac commented Dec 10, 2014


hey i have the same problem, i opened the javascript console and this is all that was there:

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
chrome-extension://lacclbnghgdicfifcamcmcnilckjamag/script.js:9760 'Range.detach' is now a no-op, as per DOM (

i hope this can help you

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ccd0 commented Dec 10, 2014

And it just does nothing when you type or paste in the text box? If so, it's probably an issue of the event handler not being set up.

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The only thing that pop-up in the console for me is Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT

Wich I assume is the blocking from adblock, because this ligne is present even before trying to post.

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pad-mac commented Dec 10, 2014

no nothing happens

i have whitelisted 4chan on disconnect now as well and i can post again. well at least until that same message comes up again

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ccd0 commented Dec 11, 2014

Okay, I think I know what the problem with the copy+paste ones was. If you're having them, see if they're fixed as of or

Copy link now make the pasting bloc work.

Just to be curious, what was the issue ?

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ccd0 commented Dec 11, 2014

I was registering the event listener when a <textarea> was added. But that never happens; instead, the <textarea> is added inside some other element which is added.


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ccd0 commented Dec 14, 2014

A noscript captcha option is implemented in the new beta (v1.9.16.0). Unfortunately Google is giving me inkblots, but maybe you'll have better luck.

screenshot from 2014-12-13 17 30 38

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ccd0 commented Dec 23, 2014


another captcha related bug, QR no longer minimizes once the recaptcha "are you a robot" window is available.

This should be fixed as of v1.9.17.0 (currently the beta version).

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but maybe you'll have better luck.

I was getting inkblots for a while too, but now I'm getting easy 1-word ones. 👍 for that feature.

@ccd0 ccd0 closed this as completed Feb 21, 2015
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