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troyschu edited this page May 31, 2012 · 8 revisions


"We Should" is a customizable, categorizable list of todos integrated with GoogleMaps, designed to answer the question "what should we do tonight?" You can create categories for yourself such as "restaurants", "movies", and "stores". You can further tag individual entries with one or more custom tags such as "priority", "go to with family", etc. You can then map your list by tag or by category and see what is around you.

From the start page you can add a new item, browse your current items in list form, or select one of your categories or tags to map. If you are unsure of what to do, tap the menu button and select the help option, which will give you instructions for the current page.


You can install the software directly from our apk (download here), or simply run it in an emulator, by downloading our project files from the git repository. You'll need Eclipse with Google API 8, and Android 2.2.

To install Android 2.2 and Google API 8, follow the instructions here: and, in step 4, select Android 2.2 under "tools".

To run the app via an emulator, you'll need to create an emulator compatible with Google API 8. To do so: Open window > AVD manager, and click new Give your emulator a name, and under "target" select Google APIs - API Level 8 click "create avd"

To install the software via the apk:

Modify your Android’s settings to allow the installation of applications from other sources. Under “Settings,” select “Application Settings” and then enable “Unknown Sources.” Also under “Settings,” select “SD Card” and “Phone Storage,” and finally enable “Disable Use for USB Storage” Connect the phone to the computer, open Command Prompt, navigate to your Android Lunch directory and type the following: adb install bin/AndroidLunch.apk

Documentation and bug reporting:

Our online user guide is available at, as well as on your device, by tapping menu, then help.

If you have a bug, email the developers at and your bug will be added to the bug list on github or submit a bug request directly by visiting and opening a new issue. In either case, please include the screen you were on, the operation you were trying to perform, and any error text you recieved.

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