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Releases: ccfos/nightingale


11 Jul 07:06
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v6.0.0-ga.13...v6.0.0-ga.14-pre


06 Jul 12:13
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Schema Changed

database: ibex

alter table task_meta add column `stdin` varchar(4096) not null default '' after `args`;

Full Changelog: v6.0.0-ga.12...v6.0.0-ga.13


21 Jun 13:44
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What's Changed

  • feat: Support for captcha verification on the login page @tanxiao1990.
  • refactor: Adjust the drag and click events for the chart panel to try to solve the problem of potential conflicts on some clients.
  • refactor: Use the last (first) non-empty value for the Stat and other charts to bypass NaN values.
  • refactor: Update the icon for the basic setting menu.
  • docs: Add in-built dashboards for RabbitMQ and Alibaba Cloud.
  • fix: The issue where editing PromQueryBuilder can cause the datasource value to be lost.
  • fix: The missing icon issue in the completion suggestion for PromQLInput.

Configuration File Changes

When upgrading from the ga.8 version, you need to add the following configuration under [HTTP] in the configuration file.

Enable = true 
# [HTTP.APIForAgent.BasicAuth]
# user001 = "ccc26da7b9aba533cbb263a36c07dcc5"

Enable = true 
user001 = "ccc26da7b9aba533cbb263a36c07dcc5"

Full Changelog: v6.0.0-ga.11...v6.0.0-ga.12


15 Jun 11:32
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What's Changed

  • feat: Notification templates support the addition of custom templates
  • feat: Add support for sending Lark card notifications
  • feat: Ranking charts support drill-down links @masterjyq
  • refactor: Default end time for alert mute period changed from 23:59 to 00:00
  • doc: Add vsphere dashboard and alert rule templates
  • doc: Add springboot actuator dashboard and alert rule templates
  • doc: Add Nightingale v6 version dashboard templates
  • doc: Add Elasticsearch dashboard and alert rule templates

Configuration File Changes

When upgrading from the previous version to ga.11, you need to add the following configuration under [HTTP] in the configuration file.

Enable = true 
# [HTTP.APIForAgent.BasicAuth]
# user001 = "ccc26da7b9aba533cbb263a36c07dcc5"

Enable = true 
user001 = "ccc26da7b9aba533cbb263a36c07dcc5"

Full Changelog: v6.0.0-ga.10...v6.0.0-ga.11


09 Jun 03:31
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What's Changed

  • feat(biz-group): The business group list is automatically displayed in group form after the business group name is set to the group-name name format
  • refactor(quick-view): Optimized quick view styles, fixed the issue where the rendering was misplaced when the rule name or tag value was too long
  • refactor(quick-view): Added an icon to the chart panel title bar to view the complete PromQL of the current chart
  • refactor(account): Added a link to "More Contact Methods" to jump to the contact method configuration page
  • refactor(event): Local caching of query time ranges
  • fix(explorer): Fixed the error of "unknown field [interval]" when querying ES 8.x
  • fix(alert-subscribes): Fixed the issue of incorrect display of alarm level
  • fix(dashboard): Fixed the issue of curve color and legend color not aligning when stack is enabled in time series graph
  • fix(event): Fixed the issue that active alarm events cannot be batch deleted
  • fix(cli): Fixed the issue where the upgrade program could not find the data source
  • fix(alert-subscribes): The update of alarm subscription data source type did not take effect @shardingHe
  • fix(target): Color display of machine list heartbeat time

Configuration File Changes

When upgrading from the previous version to ga.10, you need to add the following configuration under [HTTP] in the configuration file.

Enable = true 
# [HTTP.APIForAgent.BasicAuth]
# user001 = "ccc26da7b9aba533cbb263a36c07dcc5"

Enable = true 
user001 = "ccc26da7b9aba533cbb263a36c07dcc5"

Full Changelog: v6.0.0-ga.9...v6.0.0-ga.10


02 Jun 05:16
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Configuration File Changes

When upgrading from the previous version to ga.10, you need to add the following configuration under [HTTP] in the configuration file.

Enable = true 
# [HTTP.APIForAgent.BasicAuth]
# user001 = "ccc26da7b9aba533cbb263a36c07dcc5"

Enable = true 
user001 = "ccc26da7b9aba533cbb263a36c07dcc5"

Full Changelog: v6.0.0-ga.8...v6.0.0-ga.9


25 May 07:01
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What's Changed

  • feat: add ExtraSenders by @710leo in #1536
  • refactor: n9e-alert and n9e-pushgw sync config by http api by @710leo in #1545

Full Changelog: v6.0.0-ga.7.0.2...v6.0.0-ga.8


16 May 02:34
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What's Changed

  • feat: Dashboard Pie chart supports configuring detail link and supports various types of variables
  • feat: Dashboard Stat chart supports displaying mini trend charts
  • feat: Dashboard supports automatic expansion of charts based on variable values
  • refactor: Dashboard data source automatically sets default values
  • refactor: Improve interaction experience when dashboard variable has a select-all value
  • refactor: Change the host extraction logic for telegraf data reporting
  • refactor: oidc attributes username is adjustable
  • fix: Fix the issue where the dashboard Table cell background color and text color may be the same, making information unviewable
  • fix: Init sql error @chenglongxie
  • fix: Loki data source verification issue @0x0034
  • fix: Issue of error when fetching alarm rule list @dyf991645
  • fix: Config toml typo @@dreamking02
  • docs: Add canal dashboards @kongfei605

Full Changelog: v6.0.0-ga.6...v6.0.0-ga.7.0.2


12 May 06:06
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What's Changed

  • feat: Dashboard Pie chart supports configuring detail link and supports various types of variables
  • feat: Dashboard Stat chart supports displaying mini trend charts
  • feat: Dashboard supports automatic expansion of charts based on variable values
  • refactor: Dashboard data source automatically sets default values
  • refactor: Improve interaction experience when dashboard variable has a select-all value
  • refactor: Change the host extraction logic for telegraf data reporting
  • refactor: oidc attributes username is adjustable
  • fix: Fix the issue where the dashboard Table cell background color and text color may be the same, making information unviewable
  • fix: Init sql error @chenglongxie
  • fix: Loki data source verification issue @0x0034
  • fix: Issue of error when fetching alarm rule list @dyf991645
  • fix: Config toml typo @@dreamking02
  • docs: Add canal dashboards @kongfei605

Full Changelog: v6.0.0-ga.6...v6.0.0-ga.7.0.1


27 Apr 13:25
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v6.0.0-ga.5...v6.0.0-ga.6


alter table task_record add `event_id` bigint not null comment 'event id' default 0 after `group_id`;
alter table task_record add index task_event_idx(event_id);
alter table alerting_engines change column  cluster `engine_cluster` varchar(128) not null default '' comment 'n9e-alert cluster';