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295 lines (196 loc) · 14.7 KB

File metadata and controls

295 lines (196 loc) · 14.7 KB


Cross compilation from Scala 2.10 to 2.11.


(2a2093606f5c4582efa2fea4aa18de357f4b8a1c @ jdbc-driver) Batch support on statement and prepared statement.

(ce8a913be91b04759903e8dab843baf41cad7b86 @ jdbc-driver) Generated keys support for statement:

import acolyte.UpdateResult;
import acolyte.RowLists;

// to be returned from an update handler:
// update count = 1 and one generated key = 4


(65a7e3313ab5681b77cba502c0aa945ef645f68c @ jdbc-scala) Regex extractor for executed statement, usable with rich pattern:

e/* : QueryExecution */ match {
  case ~(ExecutedStatement("^SELECT"), (sql, parameters)) => // ...

(7bc9b546b3a3d05008b8ace84f3d2e47ba18d367 @ scalac-plugin) Support binding over rich pattern matching (e.g. case binding @ ~(..., ...) => ...; Fix #20)


(9b813586190f6e5f8e7c3fdcde642bcc2234e1a4 @ scalac-plugin) Documentation

(b5994bd1773f63e7c04eccc2b24b6378c10b8f4d @ scalac-plugin) Match component specs

(88aaedde8f2d6a90bcc3e012810701f72eac3781 @ scalac-plugin) Add MatchPlugin (rich pattern matching)

(4b64595e37b5c2d70761d1a7c1307f06fdc771e6 @ studio) Fix display issue in extract table

(654575844c3386a5471c01cf2c1710ab9a29d7e4 @ studio) Fix bigdecimal issue

(c33c9b88cb58b3cce07d06f3b161eeb8fc9ff3d0 @ studio) Expert editor for column mappings.


(924ef57d29285ad49c8674d76ceee97630a25c1a @ studio) Allow Studio to connection without password (Fix #14)

(965bc416990b54b0d9421c72af769bfe75e3f31e @ studio) Fix issue with driver at system classloader (overloading those in selected driver JAR)

(6a526416ca73ffee884ad1744f6c2f3376264781 @ studio) Fix row column cursor in formatting


(f33f9c82f4e64bc3b83c9f64ab82319b47af873e @ scala) Single result case connection using withQueryResult in DSL:

import acolyte.Acolyte

// res: acolyte.QueryResult
val str: String = Acolyte.withQueryResult(res) { connection  … }

(38f0b52dc120488d1bae3a4e830a849958146fe3 @ scala) Support nullable flag for column of row list

(4edb03ec7b48e89e3219fe898f667c63cdd356a8 @ core) Support nullable flag for meta-data of row column.

import acolyte.RowList2;
import acolyte.RowLists;

RowList2.Impl<String,Float> l1 =
  RowLists.rowList2(String.class, Float.class).
  withNullable(1, true); // First column is nullable

import acolyte.RowList;
import acolyte.Column;

Column<String> meta1 = new Column<String>(String.class, "a", true);

RowList2.Impl<String,Float> l2 =
  RowLists.rowLists2(meta1, RowList.Column(Float.class, "b"));

import static acolyte.RowList.Column

RowList2.Impl<String,Float> l3 =
  RowLists.rowLists2(Column(String.class, "a").withNullable(true),
    Column(Float.class, "b"));

(c68afc6a732f50c4e8b7cea9628a335caf38583b @ core) Deprecates append-row operation on RowList, replaced by multivalue-append. Prevents null inference issues.

import acolyte.RowLists;
import acolyte.Rows;

// Before
RowLists.rowList2(String.class, Integer.class).
  append(Rows.row2("str", 1)); // now deprecated

RowLists.rowList2(String.class, Integer.class).
  append("str", 1);

(dd64b526794625a65c1ca06e12492e2a4f692bd9 @ scala) Refactor Scala RowList with self-types, for better inference and implicits (operation on ScalaRowList returning ScalaRowList, not core RowList which would be converted again on next operation).

// Before
val l1a: RowList1[String] = rowList1(classOf[String])
val l1b: RowList1[String] = l1a :+ "B" // convert on :+ ...
// but core type RowList1 is returned

// Now
val l1a = rowList1(classOf[String])
val l1b: ScalaRowList1[A] = l1a :+ "B" // convert on :+ ...
// and keep it as pimped Scala type
val l1c: ScalaRowList1[A] = l1b :+ "C" // no conversion required

Typesafe append operations are generated along with generated row lists, so append-row operation and related Row implicits are no longer required.

// Before
rowList3 :+ row3(a, b, c) // no supported due to inference issues

// Now
rowList3 :+ (a, b, c)

(b4d944aaee23afbeeb8aa09cd97c3741c83f7fd8 @ core) Refactor RowList with self-type trick on append/labeling operation.

// Before this change
RowList1<String> l1 = new RowList1<String>(String.class);
RowList<Row1<A>> l1updated = l1.append("str");
// Self-type RowList1<A> of l1 is lost in append operation

// Now
RowList1.Impl<String> l2 = new RowList1.Impl<String>(String.class);
RowList1.Impl<String> l2updated = l2.append("str");
// Implementation self-type is kept

(a447ac9436f4c020e6bb48a58f5e8d6558da9b75 @ core) Fix row classes naming: move Row1 from acolyte.Row.Row1 up to acolyte.Row1.

(f87782144a691847cf4a390cced9a838cdfa2db8 @ scala) Fix inference of on scala RowList1:

import acolyte.Implicits._
import acolyte.RowLists.stringList

stringList :+ null // fixed inference of null (as String there)

(2397517f22e7642851e10f490abd2d2f99a8301f @ core) Refactor RowList.Column.defineCol as RowList.Column:

import static acolyte.RowList.Column;

Column(String.class, "colName");


(b079c0ca31f3006ce3b8e779f5e778319ce4ed72 @ studio) First GUI release

(d9d4e5c831916305c415708203d8c8ef6d6ba5ce @ core) Update groupId to publish artifacts on Central via Sonatype

(3cc594b2d3e3030e6b09c91b3384092723eb1020 @ scala) Update limit of row columns from 26 to 52

(d6e4d9a9033ede803ad863a4682ca63123ac7040 @ core) Update limit of row columns from 26 to 52


(500abb5493a1b6221b5e5c0f2fdf102a5bcf88ff @ scala) Connection properties support:

import acolyte.Acolyte.connection

connection(handler, "acolyte.parameter.untypedNull" -> "true"/* ... */)

(3b7d9151ab1d09e994f3fbbcfd7bf0610343d4f4 @ core) Fallback for untyped null parameter, configured with connection property:

import java.util.Properties;

Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("acolyte.parameter.untypedNull", "true"); // default: false

DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl, props);

(1240c3956e91807a25bd6b8c2fcdfa8e745dd2f1 @ core) Add factories for single column row lists, to create a list with initial values:

import acolyte.RowLists;
import acolyte.RowList1;

// Creates a row list with 3 rows "A", "B" and "C"
RowList1<String> list = RowLists.stringList("A", "B", "C");

(9d01cedde46f13cb1d9a2224732b2e96ba9314ad @ core) Supports max rows limit on statement (and row list):

java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement("SQL");


// Will go through RowList.resultSet(2)
java.sql.ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet();

(44f9c1e4cb12ca18cd3584eed5ae16636ecb3b3e @ core) Implements statement creation with supported result set type, concurrency or holdability:

conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT);

conn.prepareStatement("SQL", ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
conn.prepareStatement("SQL", ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT);

conn.prepareCall("SQL", ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);

(334711bd91f361a1ff591609911f87dccd393c28 @ scala) Move implicit conversions appart (for cleaner imports):

import acolyte.Acolyte.{ connection, handleStatement/* ... */ } // DSL
import acolyte.Implicits._ // implicit conversions

val conn = connection(handleStatement { _ => list :+ row })

(18b94e06d565b35699250af7e7dabbe4c8df9ee3 @ scala) Remove .handleQuery without argument from DSL, replaced by:

import acolyte.Acolyte._
import acolyte.{ QueryExecution, QueryResult }

handleQuery { e: QueryExecution => /* QueryResult */ }

(6b1c7602b58f2952f22e18c3408e273924572d91 @ core) Empty composite handler: acolyte.CompositeHandler.empty()

(4e7c51b26586ff6b4049b4fd7b73447561dabd07 @ scala) Update handleQuery:

import acolyte.Acolyte.handleQuery

handleQuery { e => res }

(e3536e8a6d10d72385cf8b4880e31a583d2a2f7a @ scala) Distinct execution case classes for update or query:

  withQueryHandler({ e: QueryExecution => res }).
  withUpdateHandler({ e: UpdateExecution => res })

(3747ba9c82c25b5741ac3129a4e2fb410b5404c0 @ core) Append operation, to directly append values to row list:

RowList2<String,Integer> list = new RowList2<String,Integer>();
list.append("cell1", 2);

(764c22d87a590ec1785985e389386720f535e66a @ scala) Append operation, to add a single value as row in row list:

val list = RowLists.rowList1(classOf[String])
list :+ "row"

(18a2add4e33e7b5765e2af6d637c339343f89c2e @ core) Append operation, to add a single value as row in row list:

RowList1<String> list = new RowList1<String>();

(a7d52d131853936f4283c336058ff75e409251fa @ scala) Supports Execution => RowList[_] as query handler:

Acolyte.withQueryHandler({ e: Execution => rowList })