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Tagging gallery archives and saving then by types in respective folders (Chrome and Firefox)

iShyboy edited this page Sep 4, 2016 · 2 revisions

In firefox or chrome we have addons that you can use to save your galleries by types (or whatever you like to) in respective folders with some few steps.

EHD Settigins


If you want to save your galleries by types (doujinshi, artistcg...) you first need to sort then and EHD have a awesome way to do this. Sorting it by types for example, go to your settings and change the zip name to {{tag}}{title} the archive name will become something like {Doujinshi}[C90][...]...

###Chrome You'll need a file organizer to downloads this is the one I use RegExp Download Organizer After adding it to chrome you'll have to write rules for it and set your folder. ex: 2

Here you have the rules, you set what and where you want to save your galleries. In my example it'll set any file that have {DOUJINSHI} and it's a zip archive. This is after it's done:


All files with match the rules will appended to the respective folders set in the rules.

###Firefox It's more crude and hard to set up than chrome, you need a file organizer, this is the one that I use Automatic Save Folder download the latest beta.

After installing you tap the plus button to add a new filter.


In the domain area I leave in all (dunno if it'll ignore the domain since it's blob:...) anyway where you'll download other files with {Doujinshi} etc if not there. In the filename you must set it to regexp.

Some rules example:


This is my options if something go wrong there:


working perfectly

After this, be at peace to know that your download folder it's organized and you'll know where to find your galleries.