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Christiaan Conover edited this page Apr 5, 2015 · 1 revision

This plugin has functions available to integrate the plugin into other themes and plugins.


Get the caption for the featured image.


echo boolean (Optional)
Default: true

Whether to display the result on screen, or return the result.

html boolean (Optional)
Default: true

Whether the result should be in HTML markup. If false, the raw array of caption data will come back, and echo is false.



This function is no longer needed, and is only retained to prevent undefined function errors for those still using it in their code. It DOES NOT actually check whether a featured image caption is set, but returns true immediately to allow the plugin to proceed.

Since the plugin was rewritten in v0.5.0, checks for caption data occur as part of the plugin's core functionality. If no caption data is set, nothing is output.