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atanasster committed Jun 14, 2020
1 parent 6b3dc38 commit fae1dae
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Showing 9 changed files with 698 additions and 147 deletions.
85 changes: 66 additions & 19 deletions core/config/
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,11 @@
- [extractStories](#extractstories)
- [getConfigurationArg](#getconfigurationarg)
- [loadConfiguration](#loadconfiguration)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [BuildConfiguration](#buildconfiguration)
- [WebpackCOnfig](#webpackconfig)
- [PageType](#pagetype)
- [PageConfiguration](#pageconfiguration)
- [WebpackConfigFn](#webpackconfigfn)

# Overview

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -37,11 +41,11 @@ _defined in [@component-controls/config/src/index.ts](

### properties

| Name | Type | Description |
| ----------------- | ------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `config*` | [Configuration](#configuration) | |
| `configPath*` | string | |
| `optionsFilePath` | string | |
| Name | Type | Description |
| ----------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `config*` | [BuildConfiguration](#buildconfiguration) | |
| `configPath*` | string | |
| `optionsFilePath` | string | |

## buildConfigFileNames

Expand All @@ -62,14 +66,14 @@ using glob for the regex file search

_defined in [@component-controls/config/src/index.ts](

**function** extractStories(`__namedParameters`\*: **config**: [Configuration](#configuration)**configPath**: string): string\[] | undefined;
**function** extractStories(`__namedParameters`\*: **config**: [BuildConfiguration](#buildconfiguration)**configPath**: string): string\[] | undefined;

### parameters

| Name | Type | Description |
| -------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `__namedParameters*` | **config**: [Configuration](#configuration)**configPath**: string | |
| `returns` | string\[] \| undefined | |
| Name | Type | Description |
| -------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `__namedParameters*` | **config**: [BuildConfiguration](#buildconfiguration)**configPath**: string | |
| `returns` | string\[] \| undefined | |

## getConfigurationArg

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,21 +109,64 @@ _defined in [@component-controls/config/src/index.ts](
| `args` | string\[] | optional arguments |
| `returns` | [ConfigrationResult](#configrationresult) \| undefined | |

## Configuration
## BuildConfiguration

global configuration
global configuration used at build time
stored in a file named main.js/main.ts

_defined in [@component-controls/specification/src/configuration.ts](
_defined in [@component-controls/specification/src/configuration.ts](

### properties

| Name | Type | Description |
| ------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `decorators` | [StoryRenderFn](#storyrenderfn)\[] | story decorator functions - used to wrap stories example: \[story => <ThemeProvider>{story()}</ThemeProvider>] |
| `options` | story sorting function**storySort**: **function** (`a`\*: string, `b`\*: string): number; | global options object |
| `stories*` | string\[] | wild card search string for the stories internally using \`glob\` for the search: example: "./stories/ |
| Name | Type | Description |
| -------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `finalWebpack` | [WebpackCOnfig](#webpackconfig) | |
| `pages` | Record<[PageType](#pagetype), Pick<[PageConfiguration](#pageconfiguration), 'basePath'>> | base url path for API documentation pages. Default is "docs/" |
| `stories` | string\[] | wild card search string for the stories internally using \`glob\` for the search: example: "./stories/ |
| `webpack` | [WebpackCOnfig](#webpackconfig) | custom webpack fonfigurations setup. One or the other will be used |

## WebpackCOnfig

_defined in [@component-controls/specification/src/configuration.ts](

[WebpackConfiguration](#webpackconfiguration) \| [WebpackConfigFn](#webpackconfigfn)

## PageType

_defined in [@component-controls/specification/src/configuration.ts](

'story' | 'blog' | 'page' | 'tags' | 'author'

## PageConfiguration

_defined in [@component-controls/specification/src/configuration.ts](

### properties

| Name | Type | Description |
| ------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `basePath` | string | base url path for the page |
| `fullPage` | boolean | whether to take a fullpage theme option |
| `hasHomePage` | boolean | if true, will create a home page with a top-level menu by default, only story and blogs have home pages |
| `label` | string | label - used for menu labels |
| `sidebars` | boolean | whether to add navigation sidebars to the page |

## WebpackConfigFn

_defined in [@component-controls/specification/src/configuration.ts](

**function** (`config`\*: [WebpackConfiguration](#webpackconfiguration), `options`: any): [WebpackConfiguration](#webpackconfiguration);

### parameters

| Name | Type | Description |
| --------- | --------------------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `config*` | [WebpackConfiguration](#webpackconfiguration) | |
| `options` | any | |
| `returns` | [WebpackConfiguration](#webpackconfiguration) | |


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