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Server for document management and automatic text analysis, developed as part of OPTED. Learn more

See also the API Documentation


AmCAT requires an elasticsearch instance. The easiest way to run one for development is using docker:

sudo docker run --name elastic8 -dp 9200:9200 -e "" -e ES_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms1g -Xmx1g" -e "discovery.type=single-node"

Please note that this docker is completely unsecured, so this should be configured differently in production and the used port 9200 should probably not be exposed to the Internet.

Installing from source

To install AmCAT4 from github and create a virtual environment, run:

git clone
cd amcat4
python3 -m venv env
env/bin/pip install -e .[dev]

Now, you can run the backend server:

env/bin/amcat4 run

This will run the API at (default) locahost port 5000. To see documentation, visit http://localhost:5000/docs (Swagger, which comes with interactive "try now" mode) or http://localhost:5000/redoc (redoc, looks somewhat nicer)

Of course, this new instance is still completely empty, so there is little to see. If you want to add some test data, you can use the create-test-data command, which will upload some State of the Union speeches:

env/bin/amcat4 create-test-index

(Note: if you get an SSL error, especially on a mac, try running env/bin/pip install -U certifi

Security and configuration

By default, the API is unsecured (no client authentication is necessary) and it expects an elasticsearch instance at localhost:9200.

AmCAT reads its configuration from environment variables, so you can either pass them directly or by creating a .env file. You can modify the example .env file or interactively create the .env file using:

env/bin/amcat4 config

Using AmCAT

Congrats, you've just installed the AmCAT backend!

To use this, you probably want to look at either the react-based web client or the python API bindings or R API bindings

(there will also be an open client soon, stay tuned)

Unit tests

To run the unit tests and linting:

env/bin/flake8 . --max-line-length=127 --exclude=env

Please make sure to run these tests before making any commits!

(obviously, feel free to place your virtual environment in any other location, this is just how I set things up)


API server for AmCAT4 Text Analysis







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