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Experimental Alpha Release: Download and Use at Your Own Risk!

ublue-hyprland is a customized uBlue image using Hyprland. Not officially affiliated with uBlue or Fedora, and is mostly designed for personal use.



The image comes with the following features:

  • Hyprland
  • Waybar
  • Thunar
  • GDB
  • Btop
  • Cliphist
  • Fastfetch
  • Lite-xl
  • wdisplays
  • Android utilities (android-file-transfer, android-tools, and android udev rules)
  • Custom yafti configuration and initial setup
  • Catppuccin Mocha theming
  • Custom Hyprland configuration


Important: I strongly recommend backing up your .config directory and .profile file before proceeding with the following steps. Please be aware that this operation comes with certain risks, and should be performed at your discretion.

If you prefer not to use the preconfigured settings, execute the following command before initiating the rebase process:

touch ~/.hyprland-configured


For AMD/Intel systems:

rpm-ostree rebase

For Nvidia systems:

rpm-ostree rebase


Updates to user configurations will not be automatically applied.

To receive the latest updates, you can either execute just user-configs or remove ~/.hyprland-configured prior to rebooting. Please note that this will overwrite some elements of your existing user configuration.

The most recent user configuration can always be found in /usr/share/homedir.

Hyprland Hotkeys

If you decide to rebase to this image, and keep the preconfigured settings, below is the key bindings to help you get going.

Application Binds

  • Super+Return: Launch kitty
  • Super+E: Launch thunar
  • Super+L: Execute swaylock
  • Super+D: Execute fuzzel

General Binds

  • Super+Q: Kill active
  • Super+F: Fullscreen, 0
  • Super+T: Fullscreen, 1
  • Super+Shift+M: Exit
  • Super+C: Toggle floating
  • Super+Shift+G: Toggle group
  • Super+G: Change group active
  • Super+P: Pseudo (dwindle)
  • Super+J: Toggle split (dwindle)

Move Focus Binds

  • Super+Arrow Key: Move focus

Workspace Binds

  • Super+0-9: Switch workspace
  • Super+Shift+0-9: Move active window to a workspace
  • Super+M/N: Scroll through existing workspaces

Window Binds

  • Super+Mouse Button 1: Move window
  • Super+Mouse Button 2: Resize window

Screenshot Binds

  • Super+Shift+S: Capture a portion of the screen.
  • Print: Capture a screenshot of the current screen.
  • Alt+Print: Capture a screenshot of the entire display.

Clipboard Binds

  • Super+V: List cliphist and copy decoded selection
  • Super+Shift+V: Delete cliphist entry
  • Super+Shift+X: Clear the clipboard

Multimedia Binds

  • XF86AudioRaiseVolume: Increase audio volume by 5%
  • XF86AudioLowerVolume: Decrease audio volume by 5%
  • XF86AudioMute: Toggle audio mute
  • XF86AudioPlay: Play/Pause audio
  • XF86AudioPause: Play/Pause audio
  • XF86AudioNext: Play next audio
  • XF86AudioPrev: Play previous audio

Brightness Binds

  • XF86MonBrightnessUp: Increase brightness by 5%
  • XF86MonBrightnessDown: Decrease brightness by 5%

Special Binds

  • Super+Z: Toggle special workspace
  • Super+Shift+Z: Move to special workspace

Suggestions / Contributions

Although ublue-hyprland is primarily a personal project, I welcome anyone who wants to use it, learn from it, or contribute to it. As a relative newcomer to both window managers and OCI images, I'm still exploring their potential. If you have ideas for improvements, features, or any kind of feedback, I'd love to hear them.

Whether you've discovered a bug, have a feature request, or want to contribute in another way, don't hesitate to open an issue or submit a pull request.

For more information about uBlue, please refer to the uBlue website.


Experimental uBlue Hyprland image







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