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cdc-dpbrown edited this page Mar 23, 2018 · 8 revisions


A software package designed to be integrated with Epi Info 7 and used for data management and contact tracing during outbreaks of viral hemorrhagic fever.

Project Description

The Epi Info Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Application is designed to provide case management, contact tracing, analysis and reporting services during outbreaks of Ebola virus, Marburg virus, Lassa virus, Rift Valley Fever, and Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever. It can operate successfully in remote parts of the world with no Internet connectivity and on low-end computer hardware. The app's contact tracing capability allows users to link cases with contacts and track those contacts continually over a 14- or 21-day follow-up window. French and English language assembles are included. Simultaneous data entry is now an optional feature as of and automatically becomes enabled when the underlying database engine is switched to Microsoft SQL Server.

System Requirements

Microsoft Windows 7 or 8 .NET Framework version 4.5 Read/write/execute permissions on at least one folder

Business Logic

The application implements a large number of complex business rules associated with contact tracing during VHF outbreaks. For example, marking a contact as 'seen and healthy' on the contact's final day of follow-up automatically discharges that contact. Marking a contact as 'sick and isolated' automatically converts the contact into a case. Many other similar rules are applied and are carried out for the user without otherwise needing user intervention. This lessens the amount of data entry errors and mistakes while simultaneously reducing the data management burden among public health responders.

Development Background

Workflows, business logic, and data entry were designed by public health staff specializing in outbreaks of viral hemorrhagic fever in Africa. Their continued feedback has driven continual development of the application since mid-2013.


Case Management Screen Shot All data displayed in this image is fictional and was created for demonstration purposes only

Case Management Screen Shot All data displayed in this image is fictional and was created for demonstration purposes only

Case Management Screen Shot All data displayed in this image is fictional and was created for demonstration purposes only

Case Management Screen Shot All data displayed in this image is fictional and was created for demonstration purposes only

Case Management Screen Shot All data displayed in this image is fictional and was created for demonstration purposes only

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