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Planet Surface Shader

CD Carswell edited this page Mar 24, 2018 · 3 revisions

The planet surface shader can be found by selecting the Planet Surface object and by heading over to the Node Editor.

There, you will see this node group:




A BSDF shader output to connect to the Surface Material Output. Use this for final rendered output.


A diffuse shader output to connect to the Surface Material Output.


A glossy shader output.


A non-shaded preview to quickly view the land masses and to make quick edits/adjustments.


Use this for a gaseous planet.


Color output for custom shader use.


Displaces the object using microdisplacement.



Color 1,2,3,4,5 define the colors to be applied to the planet. Colors are applied based on generated height. Color 1 corresponds to the lowest height (such as sea level) while Color 5 corresponds to the highest peaks on the planet. A set of colors (Blue -> Green -> Brown -> White) is chosen by default.

Diffuse Roughness

This value changes the roughness of the diffuse shader in the node group. Higher values result in generally more "flatter" shading.

Glossy Roughness

This value adjusts the roughness of the glossy reflections of the ocean (if present). Smaller values have more sharp reflections, and larger values have a more matte appearance.


Index of refraction for the planet surface. An object will tend to reflect more light at its edges than at its center, and the amount of this effect is measured using its index of refraction (IOR). A default value of 1.450 is selected.


Creates reflections that are directionally dependent. This creates a similar appearance to brushed steel and is mostly for effect.

Anisotropic Rotation

Changes the angle of anistropic reflections.


In order to use volume, please remember to connect the "Volume" output to the Volume Material Output and be sure that nothing is connected to Surface material output.


Affects the density of the volumetric planet.


Anisotropy of the volumetric planet. This makes the volume behave differently depending on the direction of incoming light.


Mixes between amount of scatter and absorption influence. 0.0 is 100% scatter and 1.0 is 100% absorption.

Add Absorption

Add an additional absorption effect. Lightens the colors.

Emission Strength

Controls the overall light emission of the volume.

Hue, Saturation, Value

Controls the hue, saturation, and value of the planet. Uses an HSV node to accomplish this.


Affects the normals of the shaders. A normal map can be plugged in here to get more displacement.


Affects the axis on which the anisotropic reflections appear.

Base Scale

This determines the global scaling of the generated textures.

Base Features

Type A, Type B, Type C

These are very large scale features, used for defining the general topography of the planet. Mix between the three types to get varying results.

Ridges, Ridges Definitions

These add small aligned ridges to the planet and change the overall texture. Gives a "scraped" effect to the planet surface. Can be useful for very weathered, eroded planets with limited atmosphere.

Middle Features


Adds medium-sized noise to break up static patterns.


Subtracts medium-sized noise to create a weathered, eroded appearance. Helpful for defining coastlines.


Continents A, Continents B

Useful for quickly forming large land masses which are separated by ocean.

Islands A, Islands B

Breaks up large land masses into smaller islands.


Turns the lowest heights of the planet into ocean, and applies an ocean material.

Polar Ice Caps

Applies polar ice caps to the top and bottom of the planet.


Medium Ridges

Adds small-to-medium size ridges to the planet.

Small Ridges

Adds small-size ridges to the planet.

Medium Cells

Adds medium-level voronoi cells to the planet. Gives a cracked appearance.

Small Cells

Adds small-size voronoi cells. Adds more smaller cracks and weathered appearance.

Tiny Cells

Adds very small-size voronoi cells. Useful for very detailed rocky planets, mountains, etc.


Height Contrast

Expands or contracts the height range of the planet.

Height Scale

Multiplies the overall height of the planet.

Height Offset

Increases or decreases the overall height of the planet.

Height Map Override

If you have a custom height map, you can plug an image texture in here to get the desired heightmap with auto-calculated colors.

Height Map Influence

Mix between custom heightmap and procedurally-generated heightmap.

Preview Land Masses

Sends a quick non-shaded preview of the generated heightmap to the BSDF output.