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AWS Lambda Layer with the NPM dependency proxy-agent

cdk-constructs: Stable

This module bundles the NPM dependency proxy-agent as a local asset. It exposes constants ASSET_FILE and LAYER_SOURCE_DIR that can be consumed via the CDK Asset construct.

  • proxy-agent Version: 6.3.0


import { ASSET_FILE, LAYER_SOURCE_DIR } from '@aws-cdk/asset-node-proxy-agent-v6';
import * as lambda from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda';
import * as s3_assets from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3-assets';
import { FileSystem } from 'aws-cdk-lib';

declare const fn: lambda.Function;
const asset = new s3_assets.Asset(this, 'layer-asset', {
  path: ASSET_FILE,
  assetHash: FileSystem.fingerprint(LAYER_SOURCE_DIR),

fn.addLayers(new lambda.LayerVersion(this, 'ProxyAgentLayer', {
  code: lambda.Code.fromBucket(asset.bucket, asset.s3ObjectKey),

proxy-agent will be installed under /nodejs/node_modules.