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Dependencies for projects

caiusb edited this page Oct 1, 2012 · 10 revisions

This page shows you what you need to set up the dependent projects. These instructions should be complete and correct.

JGit dependencies

  • Jetty (version 7.x):;
  • Args4j (from the Orbitz repo):;
  • Hamcrest library Matchers, Text Matchers and Additional Matchers (from Orbitz);
  • JSch (from Orbitz);
  • Eclipse execution environment descriptions: (from the eclipse project updates). All of them.

SVNKit build

  • Build eclipse projects using: ./gradlew eclipse
  • Delete the .project folder in the top most directory. It hides the useful projects (I think)
  • Set the classpath variable GRADLE_USER_HOME in Eclipse. In unix this is $HOME/.gradle.
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