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cdriveraus committed May 31, 2024
1 parent 4efa79b commit f2d948e
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Showing 4 changed files with 86 additions and 68 deletions.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions R/ctCheckFit.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ ctSaturatedFitConditional<-function(dat,ucols,reg,hmc=FALSE,covf=NA,verbose=0){
covf$ll <- sum(llrow,na.rm=TRUE)
} else { #if not conditional

covdat <- covdata(ndat = dat[,o1,drop=FALSE],reg=reg)
covdat <- covdata(dat[,o1,drop=FALSE],reg=reg)
smf <- rstan::sampling(stanmodels$cov,data=covdat,chains=0)
cp <- rstan::constrain_pars(smf,covf$fit$par)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ ctSaturatedFit <- function(fit,conditional=FALSE,reg=0, hmc=FALSE,
message('Min obs per col: ', paste0(minobspercol,collapse=', '))

covf = ctSaturatedFitConditional(dat = dat,ucols = ucols,reg = reg,verbose=0)
covfindep = covml(ndat = dat[,ucols,drop=FALSE],reg = reg,
covfindep = covml(dat[,ucols,drop=FALSE],reg = reg,
covf$llindependent <- covfindep$ll

Expand All @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ ctSaturatedFit <- function(fit,conditional=FALSE,reg=0, hmc=FALSE,
err <- err[,apply(err,2,function(x) any(!,drop=FALSE][,-1,drop=FALSE] #remove na and id cols
covfindepresid = covml(ndat = err,reg = reg,
covfindepresid = covml(err,reg = reg,
covf$llresid <- covfindepresid$ll

Expand All @@ -154,9 +154,9 @@ ctSaturatedFit <- function(fit,conditional=FALSE,reg=0, hmc=FALSE,

#independence model oos
findep=covml(ndat = datheldout[,ucols,drop=FALSE],reg = reg,
findep=covml(datheldout[,ucols,drop=FALSE],reg = reg,
covdat <- covdata(ndat = dat[x,ucols,drop=FALSE],reg=reg,independent = TRUE)
covdat <- covdata(dat[x,ucols,drop=FALSE],reg=reg,independent = TRUE)
smf <- rstan::sampling(stanmodels$cov,data=covdat,chains=0)
cp <- rstan::constrain_pars(smf,findep$fit$par)
fin$llindependentoos <- cp$llrow
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/ctDiscretePars.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ ctStanDiscreteParsDrift<-function(ctpars,times, observational, standardise,cov=


if(!quiet) message('Computing temporal regression coefficients for ', dim(ctpars$DRIFT)[1],' samples, may take a moment...')
if(!quiet) message('Computing temporal regression coefficients for ', dim(ctpars$DRIFT)[1],' samples')

lapply(names(ctpars),function(x){ #add in extra dim if only 3 dims (e.g. when not individually varying)
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140 changes: 79 additions & 61 deletions R/ctKalman.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,11 +8,14 @@
#' This is relevant only when time dependent predictors are also included in the model.
#' @param timestep A numeric value specifying the time step for predictions. Default is 'auto', which tries to automatically determine an appropriate time step.
#' @param plot A logical value indicating whether to ggplot the results instead of returning a data.frame of predictions. Default is TRUE.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to the plot.ctKalmanDF function.
#' @param quantiles A numeric vector specifying the quantiles of the time independent predictors to plot. Default is 1SD either side and the median, c(.32,.5,.68).
#' @param showUncertainty A logical value indicating whether to plot the uncertainty of the predictions. Default is TRUE.
#' @return If plot is TRUE, a ggplot object showing the estimated effects of covariate moderators. If returndat is TRUE, a data frame with the processed data.
#' @return If plot is TRUE, a list of ggplot objects showing the estimated effects of covariate moderators. Otherwise, a data frame with the predictions.
#' @details This function estimates the effects of covariate moderators on the expected process and observations for a specified subject in a dynamic system. The covariate moderators are varied by one standard deviation above and below the mean, and their effects are plotted or returned as a data frame.
#' @details This function estimates the effects of covariate moderators on the expected process
#' and observations for a specified subject in a dynamic system. The covariate moderators are defined at the specified quantiles,
#' and their effects on the trajectory are plotted or returned as a data frame.
#' @examples
#' # Example usage:
Expand All @@ -30,64 +33,79 @@
#' theme(legend.position = 'bottom')
#' @export
ctPredictTIP <- function(sf,tipreds='all',subject=1,timestep='auto',plot=TRUE,...){
ctPredictTIP <- function(sf,tipreds='all',subject=1,timestep='auto',plot=TRUE,
quantiles=c(.32,.5,.68), baselineQuantile=.5, showUncertainty=TRUE, ...){
if(tipreds[1] %in% 'all') tipreds <- sf$ctstanmodel$TIpredNames
if(length(subject) > 1) stop('>1 subject!')

if(length(unique(sf$standata$subject)) < 3) stop('With fewer than 3 subjects in the data, these predictions are not possible')

TIPbaselineQuantiles <- apply(sf$standata$tipredsdata[,sf$ctstanmodel$TIpredNames,drop=FALSE],2,quantile,probs=baselineQuantile)
TIPQuantiles = apply(sf$standata$tipredsdata[,tipreds,drop=FALSE],2,quantile,probs=quantiles)
sdat <- standatact_specificsubjects(standata = sf$standata,subjects = subject)
sdat$tipredsdata[,sf$ctstanmodel$TIpredNames] <- 0 #set all tipreds to zero

#create datalong structure
dat <- data.frame(id=sdat$subject,time=sdat$time)
datti <- suppressWarnings(merge(dat,data.frame(id=sdat$subject,time=sdat$time,sdat$tipredsdata),all=TRUE))
datti <- datti[order(datti$id,datti$time),]
colnames(datti)[1:2] <- c(sf$ctstanmodelbase$subjectIDname,sf$ctstanmodelbase$timeName)
colnames(dat)[1:2] <- c(sf$ctstanmodelbase$subjectIDname,sf$ctstanmodelbase$timeName)
addm <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(dat),ncol=length(sf$ctstanmodel$manifestNames))
colnames(addm) <- sf$ctstanmodel$manifestNames
tdpreds <- sdat$tdpreds
colnames(tdpreds) <- sf$ctstanmodel$TDpredNames
# dat <- merge(datti,addm)
for(tipi in 1:length(tipreds)){
sdat$tipredsdata[,tipreds[tipi]] <- TIPbaselineQuantiles[tipi]

tisd <- apply(sf$standata$tipredsdata,2,sd,na.rm=TRUE)
timu <- apply(sf$standata$tipredsdata,2,mean,na.rm=TRUE)
dat <- standatatolong(sdat,origstructure = TRUE,ctm=sf$ctstanmodelbase)
dat[,sf$ctstanmodelbase$manifestNames] <- NA #set all manifest obs to missing

for(tip in 1:length(tipreds)){
for(direction in c(-1,1)){
tdat <- newdat
tdat[[sf$ctstanmodelbase$subjectIDname]] <- paste0(tipreds[tip],
ifelse(direction==1,' high',' low'))
tdat[,tipreds[tip]] <- tisd[tip] * direction
#add to full dat
dat <- rbind(dat,tdat)
fulldat <- dat[c(),]
for(tipi in 1:length(tipreds)){ #for each tipred
for(quanti in 1:length(quantiles)){ #for each quantile
tdat <- dat #copy the data
tipquanti <- TIPQuantiles[quanti,tipi] #compute the quantile
tdat[[sf$ctstanmodelbase$subjectIDname]] <- paste0(tipreds[tipi],' = ',round(tipquanti,2)) #modify the subject ID
tdat[,tipreds[tipi]] <- tipquanti #set the tipred value to the quantile
if(nrow(fulldat)==0) fulldat <- tdat #output to full dataset
else fulldat <- rbind(fulldat,tdat)
dat[[sf$ctstanmodelbase$subjectIDname]][dat[[sf$ctstanmodelbase$subjectIDname]] %in% 1] <- 0
sf$standata <- suppressMessages(ctStanData(sf$ctstanmodel,dat,optimize=TRUE))
k=ctKalman(fit = sf,subjects=1:sf$standata$nsubjects,realid=TRUE,timestep=timestep)
# k$labels$colour[1] <- 'Covariate'
k$data$`Direction` <- factor(ifelse(grepl(' high$',k$data$Subject),'+ 1','- 1'))
k$data$Subject <- gsub(' high','',k$data$Subject)
k$data$Subject <- gsub(' low','',k$data$Subject)
kdat <- k$data
colnames(kdat)[colnames(kdat)%in%'Subject'] <- 'Covariate'
kdat$Covariate <- factor(kdat$Covariate)

Covariate = Direction = Time = Value = Variable = NULL #global vars nonsense
kdat <- kdat[kdat$Element %in% 'yprior',] #why do we need this now and didn't used to...
sf$standata <- suppressMessages(ctStanData(sf$ctstanmodel,fulldat,optimize=TRUE))
k=ctKalman(fit = sf,subjects=unique(fulldat[[sf$ctstanmodelbase$subjectIDname]]),realid=TRUE,timestep=timestep)
k = k[k$Element %in% c('etaprior','yprior','ypriorcov','etapriorcov'),]
k$V1 <- k$variable <- Sample <- Col <- NULL

if(!plot) return(kdat) else{
k=ggplot(data = kdat,mapping = aes(y=Value,x=Time,linetype=Direction,colour=Covariate))+
labels=c('No covariate',levels(kdat$Covariate)[-1]))+
facet_wrap(vars(Variable),scales = 'free_y')+theme_bw()+
theme(legend.position = 'bottom')
if(!plot) return(k) else{
gglist <- list(Process=list(),Dynamics=list(Independent=list(),Correlated=list()))
for(tipi in 1:length(tipreds)){
ks <- k[grepl(paste0('^',tipreds[tipi],' = '),k$Subject),]
ks$Subject <- factor(as.numeric(gsub('^.* = ','',ks$Subject)))
polygonsteps = ifelse(showUncertainty,10,0))

ksp <- ksp +
theme(legend.position = 'bottom') +
guides(colour=guide_legend(title=tipi)) +
scale_colour_manual(values=colorRampPalette(c("red",'black', "blue"))(length(unique(ksp$data$Subject))))+
theme(legend.position = 'bottom')+
ggtitle(paste0('Effect of ',tipreds[tipi],' on process trajectory'))

gglist[['Process']][[tipreds[tipi]]] <- ksp

#include ctstandiscretepars plots
for(typei in c('Independent','Correlated')){
subject=(tipi-1)*length(quantiles) + 1:length(quantiles),
observational = !typei %in% 'Independent')
if(showUncertainty) ctdQuantiles <- c(.025,.5,.975) else ctdQuantiles <- c(.5,.5,.5)
ctdp$data$CovariateValue <- factor(round(TIPQuantiles[ctdp$data$Subject],3))

facet_wrap(vars(Effect))+theme(legend.position = 'bottom')+
scale_colour_manual(values=colorRampPalette(c("red",'black', "blue"))(length(quantiles)))+
scale_fill_manual(values=colorRampPalette(c("red",'black', "blue"))(length(quantiles)))+
theme(legend.position = 'bottom') +

gglist[['Dynamics']][[typei]][[tipreds[tipi]]] <- ctdp

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,20 +170,20 @@ ctPredictTIP <- function(sf,tipreds='all',subject=1,timestep='auto',plot=TRUE,..
#' @export

ctKalman<-function(fit, timerange='asdata', timestep='auto',
subjects=fit$setup$idmap[1,1], removeObs = FALSE, plot=FALSE,
subjects=fit$standata$idmap[1,1], removeObs = FALSE, plot=FALSE,

if('ctsemFit' %in% class(fit)) stop('This function is no longer supported with ctsemOMX, try ctsem')
if(!'ctStanFit' %in% class(fit)) stop('fit object is not from ctStanFit!')

# get subjects ------------------------------------------------------------
idmap <- fit$setup$idmap #store now because we may reduce it
idmap <- fit$standata$idmap #store now because we may reduce it
if(class(idmap$original) %in% 'factor') idmap$original <- as.character(idmap$original)
if(class(subjects) %in% 'factor') subjects <- as.character(subjects)
subjectsarg <- subjects
if(realid) subjects <- idmap[which(idmap[,1] %in% subjects),2]

if(length(subjects) == 0){
if(all(!{ #if all subjects specified as integers
subjects <- as.integer(subjectsarg)
Expand All @@ -186,7 +204,7 @@ ctKalman<-function(fit, timerange='asdata', timestep='auto',
out$Subject <- factor(idmap[

# out=out[!(out$Subject %in% subjects) %in% FALSE,]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -262,20 +280,20 @@ plot.ctKalmanDF<-function(x, subjects=unique(x$Subject), kalmanvec=c('y','yprior
ltyvec <- setNames( rep(0,length(kalmanvec)),kalmanvec)
ltyvec[kalmanvec %in% klines] = setNames(1:length(klines),klines)

shapevec[shapevec %in% 0] <- 1
shapevec[shapevec>0] <- NA
shapevec[ltyvec %in% 0] <- 19

g <- ggplot(x,
aes_string(x='Time',y='Value',colour=colvec,linetype='Element',shape='Element')) +

if(length(unique(ltyvec[!]))<1) g<-g+guides(linetype='none')

if(![1]) && length(subjects) > 1 && length(unique(subset(x,Element %in% kalmanvec)$Variable)) > 1){
g <- g+ facet_wrap(facets,scales = 'free')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -314,7 +332,7 @@ plot.ctKalmanDF<-function(x, subjects=unique(x$Subject), kalmanvec=c('y','yprior


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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion man/ctKalman.Rd

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