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File metadata and controls

176 lines (125 loc) · 9.62 KB

What kind of data can CIS deal with?


When creating files from a CIS command, CIS uses the NetCDF 4 classic format. Ungridded output files are always prefixed with cis-, and both ungridded and gridded output are always suffixed with .nc.


CIS has built-in support for NetCDF and HDF4 file formats. That said, most data requires some sort of pre-processing before being ready to be plotted or analysed (this could be scale factors or offsets needing to applied, or even just knowing what the dependencies between variables are). For that reason, the way CIS deals with reading in data files is via the concept of "data products". Each product has its own very specific way of reading and interpreting the data in order for it to be ready to be plotted, analysed, etc.

So far, CIS can read the following ungridded data files:

Dataset Product name Type File Signature
AERONET Aeronet Ground-stations *.lev20
Aerosol CCI Aerosol_CCI Satellite *ESACCI*AEROSOL*
CALIOP L1 Caliop_L1 Satellite CAL_LID_L1-ValStage1-V3*.hdf
CALIOP L2 Caliop_L2 Satellite CAL_LID_L2_05kmAPro-Prov-V3*.hdf
CloudSat CloudSat Satellite *_CS_*GRANULE*.hdf
Flight campaigns NCAR_NetCDF_RAF Aircraft RF*.nc
MODIS L2 MODIS_L2 Satellite *MYD06_L2*.hdf, *MOD06_L2*.hdf, *MYD04_L2*.hdf, *MOD04_L2*.hdf, *MYDATML2.*.hdf, *MODATML2*.hdf
Cloud CCI Cloud_CCI Satellite *ESACCI*CLOUD*
CSV datapoints ASCII_Hyperpoints N/A *.txt
CIS ungridded cis CIS output cis-*.nc
NCAR-RAF NCAR_NetCDF_RAF Aircraft *.nc containing the attribute Conventions with the value NCAR-RAF/nimbus
GASSP NCAR_NetCDF_RAF Aircraft *.nc containing the attribute GASSP_Version
GASSP NCAR_NetCDF_RAF Ship *.nc containing the attribute GASSP_Version, with no altitude
GASSP NCAR_NetCDF_RAF Ground-station *.nc containing the attribute GASSP_Version, with attributes Station_Lat, Station_Lon and Station_Altitude

It can also read the following gridded data types:

Dataset Product name Type File Signature
MODIS L3 daily MODIS_L3 Satellite *MYD08_D3*.hdf, *MOD08_D3*.hdf, *MOD08_E3*.hdf
HadGEM pp data HadGEM_PP Gridded Model Data *.pp
Net_CDF Gridded Data NetCDF_Gridded Gridded Model Data *.nc (this is the default for NetCDF Files that do not match any other signature)

The file signature is used to automatically recognise which product definition to use. Note the product can overridden easily by being specified at the command line.

This is of course far from being an exhaustive list of what's out there. To cope with this, a "plugin" architecture has been designed so that the user can readily use their own data product reading routines, without even having to change the code - see the :doc:`plugin development <plugin_development>` page for more information. There are also mechanisms to allow you to overwrite default behaviour if the built-in products listed above do not achieve the desired results.


Most CIS commands operate on a 'datagroup', which is a unit of data containing one or more similar variables and one or more files from which those variables should be taken. A datagroup represents closely related data from a specific instrument or model and as such is associated with only one data product.

A datagroup is specified with the syntax:

<variable>...:<filename>[:product=<productname>] where:

  • <variable> is a mandatory argument specifying the variable or variable names to use. This should be the name of the variable as described in the file, e.g. the NetCDF variable name or HDF SDS/VDATA variable name. Multiple variables may be specified by commas, and variables may be wildcarded using any wildcards compatible with the python module glob, so that *, ? and [] can all be used


When specifying multiple variables, it is essential that they be on the same grid (i.e. use the same coordinates).

  • <filenames> is a mandatory argument used to specify the files to read the variable from. These can be specified as a comma seperated list of the following possibilities:

    1.   a single filename - this should be the full path to the file

    2.   a single directory - all files in this directory will be read

    3.   a wildcarded filename - A filename with any wildcards compatible with the python module glob, so that *, ? and [] can all be used. E.g., /path/to/my/test*file_[0-9].


When multiple files are specified (whether through use of commas, pointing at a directory, or wildcarding), then all those files must contain all of the specified variables, and the files should be 'compatible' - it should be possible to aggregate them together using a shared dimension - typically time (in a NetCDF file this is usually the unlimited dimension). So selecting multiple monthly files for a model run would be OK, but selecting files from two different datatypes would not be OK.

  • <productname> is an optional argument used to specify the type of files being read. If omitted, the program will attempt to figure out which product to use based on the filename. See :ref:`data-products-reading` to see a list of available products and their file signatures.

For example:

Some file paths or variable names might contain colons (:), these need to be escaped so that CIS can tell the difference between it and the colons used to separate Datagroup elements. Simply use a backslash () to escape these characters. For example:


Notice that we have used outer quotes to allow for the spaces in the variable and file names, and used the backslashes to escape the colons.

Reading hybrid height data with separate orography data

CIS supports the reading of gridded data containing hybrid height and pressure fields, with an orography field supplied in a separate file. The file containing the orography field (which should be properly referenced from a formula term in the data file) can just be appended to the list of files to be read in and CIS will attempt to create an appropriate altitude dimension.

Reading NetCDF4 Hierarchical Groups

CIS supports the reading of NetCDF4 hierarchical groups. These can be specified on the command line in the format <group>.<variable_name>, e.g. AVHRR.Ch4CentralWavenumber. Groups can be nested to any required depth like <group1>.<group2...>.<variable_name>.

CIS currently does not support writing out of NetCDF4 groups, so any groups read in will be output 'flat'.

Reading groups in user-developed product plugins

Most of the methods in the :ref:`cis.data_io.netcdf module <netcdf_reading>` support netCDF4 groups using the syntax described above - users should use this module when designing their own plugins to ensure support for groups.

Example plots












