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🧭 Use Prisma as a multi-tenant provider with Apollo Server or Yoga

What's a multi-tenant application?

A multi-tenant application is when a single instance of your application runs on a server and serves multiple tenants.

With a multi-tenant architecture, a software application is designed to provide every tenant a dedicated share of the instance - including its data, configuration, user management, tenant individual functionality and non-functional properties.

For example, you could run a social-network for companies, where each company would have it's own data and users.

Why is Prisma great for multi-tenancy?

Prisma handles services mapped to individual databases. You can use services to have multiple different applications, or your could create a service for each of your tenant.

A service is defined by a name and a stage. (e.g. company_a/dev, company_a/prod, company_b/pre-prod, company_b/prod)

Why do I need prisma-multi-tenant?

Because Prisma Client only handles a single service. If you want your GraphQL Server (Apollo or Yoga) to handle multiple services seamlessly, you should use prisma-multi-tenant!


npm install prisma-multi-tenant

Basic usage

The following example is using Prisma Client. You will find instructions for prisma-binding after this example.

/* In your backend's main file */
const { MultiTenant } = require('prisma-multi-tenant')
const { Prisma } = require('./generated/prisma-client')
const { ApolloServer } = require('apollo-server')

const multiTenant = new MultiTenant({
  instanciate: (name, stage) =>
    new Prisma({
      endpoint: `https://localhost:4466/${name}/${stage}`

const server = new ApolloServer({
  /* ..., */
  context: ctx => ({
    prisma: multiTenant.current(ctx.req) // or ctx.request if you use GraphQL-Yoga

/* In your resolvers */
module.exports = {
  Query: {
    users: (_, args, ctx) => ctx.prisma.users(args)

Then, from your frontend, you can use a prisma-service HTTP header with [name]/[stage] in your GraphQL operations to choose which service to target.

With prisma-binding

If you use prisma-binding, you need to slightly change the previous code:

const { MultiTenant } = require('prisma-multi-tenant')
const { Prisma } = require('prisma-binding')

const multiTenant = new MultiTenant({
  instanciate: (name, stage) =>
    new Prisma({
      typeDefs: './path/to/typedef.graphql',
      endpoint: `https://localhost:4466/${name}/${stage}`
  /* ... */

/* ... */

Constructor options

The constructor of MultiTenant accepts an option object argument with the following attributes:

interface MultiTenantOptions {
  /* Returns a PrismaClient (or prisma-binding) instance given a name and a stage */
  instanciate: (name: string, stage: string) => PrismaInstance
  /* Extracts the name and stage from the Request object */
  nameStageFromReq: (req: Object) => [string, string]

const defaultOptions: MultiTenantOptions = {
  instanciate: () => ({}),
  nameStageFromReq: (req: Object) => req.headers['prisma-service'].split('/')

By default, the name/stage of the service will be extracted from the prisma-service HTTP header, but you can extract it anyway you want from the Request (url, body, another header, ...)


🙌 Thanks to @antoinecarat for the reviews of this library