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Dedede v1.2.0s

Source Version License Gratipay


With the introduction of the official Kirby CLI utility, I will no longer be developing Dedede as I see no way to offer more than Bastian can offer with the official CLI. Dedede was originally written to automate the gitting of the starterkit repo, initialization of the submodules, panel installation, updates, etc. It served its purpose for me for several months, but its usefulness has now run its course.


Due to the restructuring of the Kirby git repo, specifically the removal of submodules, Dedede is not only useless but can potentially cause data loss if used on an existing Kirby installation. This repo will remain online solely for archival purposes.

Made for Kirby with

Dedede is a command line script for creating a Kirby CMS project. It automates the repetitive tasks of cloning the Kirby git repo, initializing the submodules, etc. Dedede was originally written to automate my workflow to make life easier and allow me to spend my time where it belongs - building the website, not preparing the project.


Dedede will run on any OS X, Linux, BSD, or other UNIX-like OS capable of running PHP 5.3 and Git. Dedede is not currently compatible with any version of Windows.

Note: Dedede only requires PHP and Git to work. It will throw an error if you are running anything earlier than PHP 5.3. As Dedede is intended for use during development and design of a Kirby-based project, Dedede does not (and likely never will) check for Apache 2 with mod_rewrite or NGINX.


  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Ensure dedede.php is executable by running chmod +x /path/to/dedede.php
  3. Run dedede by executing php dedede.php [command] [path] OR
    • Create an symbolic link to Dedede by running sudo ln -s /path/to/dedede.php /usr/local/dedede. The remainder of this document assumes this approach.


Installing Kirby

  • cd to the existing empty directory you want to use for your project and run dedede install. Dedede will download Kirby to the current working directory. Thus, this directory MUST be empty.
  • You can run dedede install /path/to/project to have Dedede download Kirby to the specified path, creating it if it does not exist. Dedede accepts relative and absolute paths.

Updating Kirby

  • cd to the existing Kirby project and run dedede update. Dedede will update the Kirby installation in the current working directory.
  • You can run dedede update /path/to/project to have Dedede update the Kirby installation at the specified path. Dedede accepts relative and absolute paths.


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request ^^,


Concept and original codebase: Corey Edwards (@cedwardsmedia)


Dedede is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more.

Disclaimer: Dedede is not endorsed by, sponsored by, or otherwise associated with Kirby.