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JOIE Handmade Crafts and Accessories This is a personal project working in progress Angular Shopping Cart (Phase One)


  1. Add to Cart ( Done )
  2. View Product ( Done )
  3. Featured Product Multiple Slider ( Not yet started at the time of repo creation )
  4. Reduce/Increase quantity ( Done )
  5. Disabled button when quantity is 0 ( Done )
  6. Reduce/Increase specific product quantity on Checkout ( Done )
  7. Passing updated quantity to Cart Basket ( Done )
  8. Disable Reduce/Increase button on specific product on checkout ( Done )
  9. View Product Catalog ( Not yet started at the time of repo creation )
  10. Product Listing ( Done )
  11. Catalog Listing ( Done )
  12. Pagination of product list ( Not yet started at the time of repo creation )
  13. Push Notification for email promo subscription ( N/A )
  14. Reusable Form ( N/A )
  15. Form Validation ( N/A )
  16. Angular State Redux (Store Management) ( In progress... )
  17. Pricing against decreased quantity bug fix (Done)

Description: This is basic shopping cart only and focusing on front-end and UI/UX design, for demo purposes only. Back-end will follow on Phase Two including dynamic data, in-stock and out-of-stock feature.

What this product is not: Fully functional front-end, back-end and UI/UX shopping E-Commerce app/shopping cart. Bug may still persists. It is under developement and this is just an initial upload. This READ ME file may change from time to time.

Anyone can critic and have their own better way of giving a solution to every situation. I am not a hard-core coder, know-it-all genius. There is a big big room for improvement and, one way is to start learning and practicing. Code may also change from time to time until it's final completion.

How to:

  1. Install Node if you don't have any Node installed
  2. Install Angular CLI to your desired folder
  3. Run 'npm install' to install necessary package included on package.json
  4. Run 'ng serve --o' to run and open the application to your browser