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Reproducible Central: rebuild instructions for artifacts published to (Maven) Central Repository

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Reproducible Builds for Maven Central Repository

This project is the Java part of the Reproducible Builds effort:

Reproducible Builds an independently-verifiable path from source to binary code

Its objectives are to provide:

  1. Tools and methods allowing to verify that Java builds are reproducible
  2. A list of reproducible releases published to Maven Central
    rebuilding 1222 releases of 329 projects:
    • 864 releases are confirmed fully reproducible (100% reproducible artifacts ✔️),
    • 358 releases are only partially reproducible (contain some unreproducible artifacts ⚠️)

Rebuild Detailed Results

Central Repository groupId artifactId(s) versions result: reproducible?
biz.aQute.bnd bnd-plugin-parent 7 7 ✔️
ch.qos.logback.db logback-parent-db 1 1 ⚠️
ch.qos.logback logback-parent 6 1 ✔️ / 5 ⚠️
ch.qos.reload4j reload4j 5 1 ✔️ / 4 ⚠️
com.adobe.acs acs-aem-commons 1 1 ⚠️
com.fasterxml.jackson.core jackson-annotations 2 2 ⚠️
jackson-core 2 2 ⚠️
jackson-databind 2 2 ⚠️
com.fasterxml.jackson.jr jackson-jr-parent 2 2 ⚠️
com.fasterxml oss-parent 3 3 ✔️
com.github.adangel.liquibase.ext liquibase-percona 1 1 ✔️
com.github.ldapchai ldapchai 4 4 ⚠️
com.github.package-url packageurl-java 3 3 ✔️
com.github.psi-probe psi-probe 3 2 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
com.github.spotbugs spotbugs-maven-plugin 4 4 ✔️
com.github.veithen.checkt checkt 1 1 ✔️
com.github.veithen.daemon daemon 2 2 ✔️
com.github.veithen jrel 1 1 ✔️
com.github.veithen.maven java-format-maven-plugin 1 1 ✔️
p2-maven-connector 1 1 ✔️
resolver-proxy-maven-plugin 2 2 ✔️
com.github.veithen parent 5 4 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
com.innoq junit5-logging-extension 1 1 ⚠️
com.io7m.jade com.io7m.jade 2 2 ⚠️
com.ongres.stringprep parent 1 1 ⚠️
com.scalapenos stamina_2.11 2 2 ✔️
com.spotify github-client 1 1 ✔️ arthas-all 14 14 ⚠️
de.gematik.pki.gemlibpki gemLibPki 2 2 ⚠️
de.unentscheidbar migratedb 2 2 ✔️
fr.inria.gforge.spoon spoon-core 1 1 ✔️
fr.vidal.oss atom-jaxb 2 1 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
io.dropwizard dropwizard-project 44 41 ✔️ / 3 ⚠️
io.dropwizard.metrics metrics-parent 30 11 ✔️ / 19 ⚠️
io.dropwizard.metrics5 metrics-parent 5 1 ✔️ / 4 ⚠️
io.fabric8 docker-maven-plugin 11 9 ✔️ / 2 ⚠️
kubernetes-client-project 9 9 ⚠️
io.github.albertus82 jface-utils 4 4 ✔️
unexepack 3 3 ⚠️
io.github.derkrischan jpdftest 3 3 ✔️
io.liftwizard liftwizard 24 24 ✔️ micronaut-maven-plugin 29 29 ✔️
io.opentelemetry.instrumentation opentelemetry-instrumentation-api 2 2 ⚠️
io.opentelemetry opentelemetry-sdk 1 1 ⚠️
io.wcm *.caconfig.editor.parent 4 4 ⚠️
* 4 4 ⚠️
* 5 5 ✔️
*.handler.richtext 3 3 ⚠️
*.wcm.commons 2 2 ✔️
*.wcm.parsys 4 3 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
*.wcm.ui.clientlibs 3 3 ✔️
*.wcm.ui.granite 4 4 ✔️
io.wcm.maven.plugins cq-maven-plugin 1 1 ✔️
nodejs-maven-plugin 1 1 ⚠️
io.wcm.tooling.commons *.content-package-builder 3 3 ✔️
net.bytebuddy byte-buddy-parent 1 1 ⚠️
net.jsign jsign 1 1 ⚠️
net.nicoulaj.maven.plugins checksum-maven-plugin 1 1 ✔️
net.revelc.code impsort-maven-plugin 1 1 ✔️
net.sourceforge.pmd pmd 27 26 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
pmd-build-tools-config 1 1 ✔️
nl.hsac hsac-fitnesse-fixtures 37 26 ✔️ / 11 ⚠️
org.apache.accumulo accumulo 3 3 ⚠️
org.apache.activemq activemq-parent 4 4 ⚠️
org.apache.any23 apache-any23 1 1 ⚠️
org.apache apache 5 4 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
org.apache.aries.cdi org.apache.aries.cdi 2 1 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
org.apache.avro avro-toplevel 1 1 ✔️
org.apache.axis2 axis2 1 1 ⚠️
org.apache.batchee batchee 1 1 ⚠️
org.apache.camel.k camel-k-runtime-project 4 4 ⚠️
org.apache.camel camel 3 3 ⚠️
org.apache.commons commons-parent 1 1 ✔️
org.apache.cxf.fediz fediz 1 1 ⚠️ api-parent 2 2 ✔️ project 1 1 ✔️
org.apache.drill drill-root 1 1 ⚠️
org.apache.dubbo dubbo 6 6 ⚠️
org.apache.felix *.feature 4 4 ✔️
*.http.parent 1 1 ✔️
maven-bundle-plugin 6 6 ✔️
felix-parent 1 1 ✔️
org.apache.helix helix 1 1 ⚠️
org.apache.httpcomponents httpcomponents-parent 1 1 ✔️
org.apache.isis isis-parent 1 1 ⚠️
org.apache.jackrabbit filevault-package-maven-plugin 5 5 ✔️
org.apache.jackrabbit.vault jackrabbit-filevault 8 1 ✔️ / 7 ⚠️
org.apache.jdo jdo 2 2 ⚠️
org.apache.jena jena 9 9 ⚠️
org.apache.jspwiki jspwiki-builder 6 6 ⚠️
org.apache.karaf decanter 1 1 ⚠️
karaf 4 4 ⚠️
org.apache.logging logging-parent 2 1 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
org.apache.maven.archetype maven-archetype 2 2 ✔️
org.apache.maven.doxia doxia-sitetools 6 6 ✔️
doxia 6 6 ✔️
org.apache.maven.enforcer enforcer 2 2 ✔️
org.apache.maven.indexer maven-indexer 4 2 ✔️ / 2 ⚠️
org.apache.maven.jxr jxr 3 3 ✔️
org.apache.maven maven 7 4 ✔️ / 3 ⚠️
maven-parent 4 2 ✔️ / 2 ⚠️
org.apache.maven.plugin-tools maven-plugin-tools 3 3 ✔️
org.apache.maven.plugins maven-antrun-plugin 2 2 ✔️
maven-artifact-plugin 4 4 ✔️
maven-assembly-plugin 4 4 ✔️
maven-checkstyle-plugin 3 3 ✔️
maven-clean-plugin 1 1 ✔️
maven-compiler-plugin 3 3 ✔️
maven-dependency-plugin 3 3 ✔️
maven-deploy-plugin 2 2 ✔️
maven-ear-plugin 2 2 ✔️
maven-ejb-plugin 2 2 ✔️
maven-gpg-plugin 1 1 ⚠️
maven-help-plugin 1 1 ✔️
maven-install-plugin 2 2 ✔️
maven-invoker-plugin 2 2 ✔️
maven-jar-plugin 3 3 ✔️
maven-javadoc-plugin 6 4 ✔️ / 2 ⚠️
maven-jlink-plugin 2 2 ✔️
maven-pdf-plugin 3 3 ✔️
maven-pmd-plugin 6 6 ✔️
maven-project-info-reports-plugin 8 7 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
maven-rar-plugin 1 1 ✔️
maven-release-plugin 3 3 ✔️
maven-remote-resources-plugin 1 1 ✔️
maven-resources-plugin 2 1 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
maven-scm-publish-plugin 1 1 ✔️
maven-scripting-plugin 1 1 ✔️
maven-shade-plugin 5 5 ✔️
maven-site-plugin 9 7 ✔️ / 2 ⚠️
maven-source-plugin 1 1 ⚠️
maven-toolchains-plugin 1 1 ✔️
maven-war-plugin 3 3 ✔️
maven-wrapper-plugin 2 1 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
org.apache.maven.reporting maven-reporting-api 4 4 ✔️
maven-reporting-exec 4 4 ✔️
maven-reporting-impl 4 4 ✔️
org.apache.maven.resolver maven-resolver-ant-tasks 4 4 ✔️
maven-resolver 11 10 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
org.apache.maven.scm maven-scm 6 6 ✔️
org.apache.maven maven-archiver 3 3 ✔️
org.apache.maven.shared file-management 1 1 ✔️
maven-artifact-transfer 1 1 ⚠️
maven-common-artifact-filters 5 5 ✔️
maven-dependency-analyzer 4 4 ✔️
maven-dependency-tree 3 3 ✔️
maven-filtering 2 1 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
maven-invoker 2 2 ✔️
maven-script-interpreter 1 1 ✔️
maven-shared-resources 2 2 ✔️
maven-shared-utils 1 1 ✔️
maven-verifier 4 4 ✔️
org.apache.maven.skins maven-fluido-skin 4 4 ✔️
org.apache.maven.surefire surefire 3 3 ⚠️
org.apache.maven.wagon wagon 7 7 ✔️
org.apache.maven.wrapper maven-wrapper-parent 2 2 ✔️
org.apache.ftpserver ftpserver-parent 1 1 ⚠️
org.apache.mina mina-parent 3 3 ⚠️
org.apache.nifi nifi 4 4 ⚠️
nifi-nar-maven-plugin 2 2 ✔️
org.apache.plc4x.plugins plc4x-code-generation 1 1 ✔️
plc4x-site-skin 1 1 ✔️
org.apache.plc4x plc4x-parent 2 2 ⚠️
org.apache.qpid qpid-jms-parent 2 2 ✔️
proton-j-parent 1 1 ✔️
protonj2-parent 1 1 ⚠️
org.apache.rat apache-rat-project 2 2 ✔️
org.apache.royale.compiler compiler 1 1 ⚠️
org.apache.santuario xmlsec 2 2 ⚠️
org.apache.shiro shiro-root 3 3 ⚠️ htl-maven-plugin 1 1 ✔️
jspc-maven-plugin 2 2 ✔️
maven-enforcer-rules 2 2 ✔️
*.adapter 1 1 ✔️
*.api 8 8 ✔️
*.auth.core 3 3 ✔️
*.bundleresource.impl 1 1 ✔️
*.caconfig.api 1 1 ✔️
*.caconfig.impl 1 1 ✔️
*.caconfig.spi 1 1 ✔️
*.commons.content.analyzing 1 1 ✔️
*.commons.content.processing 1 1 ✔️
*.commons.crypto 1 1 ⚠️
*.commons.johnzon 5 3 ✔️ / 2 ⚠️
*.commons.log 3 3 ⚠️
*.commons.messaging.mail 1 1 ⚠️
*.commons.messaging 1 1 ✔️
*.commons.metrics 2 2 ⚠️
*.distribution.journal.kafka 1 1 ✔️
*.distribution.journal.messages 1 1 ✔️
*.distribution.journal 2 2 ✔️
*.engine 6 6 ✔️
*.event 7 7 ⚠️
*.feature.analyser 5 2 ✔️ / 3 ⚠️
*.feature.cpconverter 5 5 ⚠️
*.feature.extension.apiregions 6 6 ✔️
*.feature.extension.unpack 1 1 ⚠️
*.feature.launcher 4 2 ✔️ / 2 ⚠️
*.feature 1 1 ⚠️
*.fsresource 1 1 ✔️
* 1 1 ⚠️
*.i18n 1 1 ⚠️
*.installer.console 2 1 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
*.installer.core 4 4 ⚠️
*.installer.factory.configuration 5 1 ✔️ / 4 ⚠️
*.installer.factory.packages 2 2 ⚠️
*.installer.hc 1 1 ✔️
*.installer.provider.file 3 2 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
*.installer.provider.jcr 2 1 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
*.javax.activation 2 1 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
*.jcr.contentloader 3 3 ⚠️
*.jcr.jackrabbit.accessmanager 1 1 ⚠️
*.jcr.jackrabbit.usermanager 6 6 ⚠️
*.jcr.maintenance 1 1 ✔️
*.jcr.oak.server 1 1 ⚠️
*.jcr.packageinit 1 1 ✔️
*.jcr.resource 3 3 ✔️
*.jcr.resourcesecurity 1 1 ✔️
*.launchpad.test-services 1 1 ✔️
*.models.api 2 2 ✔️
*.models.caconfig 2 2 ✔️
*.models.impl 2 2 ✔️
*.models.jacksonexporter 2 2 ✔️
*.models.validation-impl 2 2 ✔️
*.pipes 4 4 ⚠️
*.query 1 1 ✔️
*.repoinit.parser 3 3 ✔️
*.resourceaccesssecurity 1 1 ✔️
*.resourcemerger 1 1 ✔️
*.resourceresolver 6 6 ✔️
*.rewriter 2 2 ⚠️
*.scripting.core 4 4 ⚠️
*.scripting.sightly.repl 1 1 ✔️
*.scripting.sightly.testing-content 1 1 ✔️
*.resourcemerger 1 1 ✔️
*.scripting.sightly 5 5 ✔️
*.scripting.spi 1 1 ✔️
*.security 2 2 ✔️
*.servlets.annotations 1 1 ✔️
* 2 2 ⚠️
*.servlets.resolver 7 7 ⚠️
*.settings 1 1 ✔️
*.sitemap 2 2 ✔️
*.starter.content 2 2 ✔️
*.starter 1 1 ⚠️
*.tenant 1 1 ✔️
*.testing.caconfig-mock-plugin 3 3 ✔️
*.testing.clients 6 6 ✔️
*.testing.jcr-mock 2 2 ✔️
*.testing.osgi-mock 2 2 ✔️
*.testing.resourceresolver-mock 6 5 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
* 4 4 ✔️
* 4 4 ✔️
*.xss 2 1 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
scriptingbundle-maven-plugin 3 3 ⚠️
slingfeature-maven-plugin 8 5 ✔️ / 3 ⚠️
org.apache.sshd sshd 2 2 ⚠️
org.apache.struts struts2-parent 4 4 ⚠️
org.apache.syncope syncope 2 2 ⚠️
org.apache.systemds systemds 1 1 ⚠️
org.apache.tika tika 5 5 ⚠️
org.apache.tomee jakartaee-api 1 1 ✔️
org.apache.wayang wayang 1 1 ⚠️ axiom 1 1 ⚠️
org.apache.wss4j wss4j 2 1 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
org.codehaus.modello modello 1 1 ✔️
org.codehaus.mojo animal-sniffer-parent 3 3 ✔️
aspectj-maven-plugin 1 1 ✔️
buildplan-maven-plugin 1 1 ✔️
cassandra-maven-plugin 1 1 ✔️
exec-maven-plugin 1 1 ✔️
extra-enforcer-rules 5 5 ✔️
flatten-maven-plugin 2 2 ✔️
jaxb2-maven-plugin 1 1 ⚠️
l10n-maven-plugin 1 1 ✔️
mojo-parent 10 10 ✔️
mrm 2 2 ✔️
properties-maven-plugin 1 1 ✔️
taglist-maven-plugin 1 1 ✔️
tidy-maven-plugin 1 1 ✔️
versions-maven-plugin 5 5 ✔️
wagon-maven-plugin 2 1 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
org.codehaus.plexus plexus-archiver 9 8 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
plexus-cipher 1 1 ✔️
plexus-compiler 9 7 ✔️ / 2 ⚠️
plexus-components 6 5 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
plexus-interactivity 1 1 ✔️
plexus-io 3 3 ✔️
plexus-languages 5 5 ⚠️
plexus 8 7 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
plexus-utils 2 2 ✔️
plexus-velocity 2 2 ✔️
org.complate complate-core 2 2 ✔️
org.cyclonedx cyclonedx-core-java 24 24 ✔️
cyclonedx-maven-plugin 14 14 ✔️
org.eclipse.jkube jkube 12 12 ✔️
org.eclipse.transformer *.parent 3 2 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
org.fusesource.jansi jansi 8 5 ✔️ / 3 ⚠️
org.jline jline-parent 2 2 ✔️
org.jrivard.xmlchai xmlchai 1 1 ⚠️
org.junit junit-bom 1 1 ⚠️
org.liquibase.ext liquibase-percona 25 24 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
org.mockito mockito-core 6 4 ✔️ / 2 ⚠️
org.mybatis.dynamic-sql mybatis-dynamic-sql 2 2 ⚠️
org.mybatis mybatis-cdi 1 1 ⚠️
mybatis-guice 1 1 ✔️
mybatis 2 2 ⚠️
mybatis-parent 3 3 ✔️
org.nlpub watset 12 11 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
org.openapitools.openapidiff openapi-diff-parent 4 4 ✔️
org.osgi *.test.parent 5 4 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
org.owasp.antisamy antisamy 12 12 ✔️
org.owasp dependency-check-parent 3 3 ⚠️
org.quickperf quick-perf 3 3 ✔️
org.simplify4u pgp-keys-map 15 15 ✔️
org.simplify4u.plugins pgpverify-maven-plugin 7 7 ✔️
sign-maven-plugin 7 5 ✔️ / 2 ⚠️
org.simplify4u slf4j-mock 4 4 ✔️
org.slf4j slf4j-parent 3 3 ⚠️ nexus-format-archetype 1 1 ✔️
org.tomitribe.transformer org.eclipse.transformer.parent 2 2 ✔️
org.webjars bootstrap 3 3 ✔️
flexmonster 16 15 ✔️ / 1 ⚠️
font-awesome 1 1 ✔️
redoc 1 1 ✔️
swagger-ui 12 12 ✔️
webjars-locator-core 1 1 ✔️
tel.schich javacan 1 1 ⚠️
world.convex convex 6 6 ⚠️
Count: 329 1222 864 ✔️ 358 ⚠️

Nightly Results Update: CircleCI


Reproducible Central: rebuild instructions for artifacts published to (Maven) Central Repository






No releases published


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  • Shell 100.0%