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Governance Core Meetings Meeting 20201211

Josue Balandrano Coronel edited this page Dec 16, 2020 · 7 revisions

Core Contributors Meeting – 11 December 2020

OpenCollective Event

Chair: @thedrow
Minutes: @xirdneh


  • Roadmap
    • Review of goals for 5.1 (@xirdneh)
    • Patch release timelines (@maybe-sybr)
    • Review of CEP stewardship and progress (@thedrow)
    • Introduction of the Jumpstarter framework (@thedrow)
  • Infrastructure
    • Migration from Travis (@xirdneh)
  • Finance
    • OpenCollective (@thedrow)
      • New copy for the OpenCollective page
      • OpenCollective membership for core team
      • Support tiers and use of the OpenCollective bot
    • Pulling TideLift revenue into OpenCollective (@thedrow)
    • New revenue streams (@thedrow)


A small backlog grooming session will occur as time allows. Good candidates
for discussion include:


Attendees: @thedrow, @maybe-sybr, @matusvalo, @xirdneh

  • Migrating out of Travis-CI
    • Github Actions
    • Create a new Issue (CEPH)
    • Maybe start only running Unit test
    • Look for another CI for integration tests
    • Pick and choose when to run
    • Take a look at Azure actions
    • Assigned to @xirdneh
  • Ads in docs for revenue.
    • Seems like read the docs is already serving some ads
    • We need to check with read the docs if we can put our own ads.
    • Assigned to @thedrow
  • Figure out Fellow election
    • Define specifics about this role
    • Moved to next meeting
    • Omer is going to write a new description.
  • Open Collective, invite every core member.
    • Assigned to Matt.
  • OpenCollective bot configuration
    • Setup different tiers.
    • Define how support works.
    • 100 dlls tier, already there. 1/2 hour of support a month.
    • 500 dlls tier, 2 1/2 hour of support a month.
    • Assigned to @xirdneh
  • Patch release plan
    • Move to a continuous release.
    • Follow up CEPH to add continuous release Cycle
    • Needs assignee.
  • CEP follow-up
    • Assigned Matus
  • Start assigning/closing old PRs
    • Assigned to everyone.
  • Jumpstarter framework
    • Framework to manage services
    • Plan for a v6.0 and leave v5.x as an LTS
    • Omer will create the repo and start assigning issues
  • Consul race condition.
    • Don’t use requests.get
    • Need more information in issue
    • Main assignee Matt but everyone should pitch in.
  • Next meeting Jan 9th